Awesome - Father-To-Be Of Quintuplets Learns A Horrible Truth The Day Of His Children’s Birth
For as long as he could remember, Paul Servat always wanted a family of his own. So, when he found a soulmate in Barbara Bienvenue, he couldn’t wait to begin a life with her, and that included having kids.
When Bienvenue announced she was pregnant with quintuplets, Servat couldn’t have been more thrilled. But strange things began to happen during her nine-month pregnancy. Then, on the day of the birth, no one could have imagined what she had to say, making Servat wish he had never met her.
Paul Servat Lived A Comfortable Life In Montreal, Canada
Paul Servat lived and worked in Montreal, Canada. And while loving friends and family surrounded him, something was missing. He was in this mid-thirties, working six days out of the week, and was single.

Looking around at his loved ones, he realized he wanted someone to spend his life with. He wanted a family of his own. Recognizing that he wanted a lot more than what he currently had, Servat decided it was time to make a lifestyle change.
Servat Was Ready To Settle Down

With many of his friends and family happily married and having children, Servat realized he wanted the same thing for himself. And he was finally at a point in his life where he was ready to take the first step.
He was on a stable career path (even if it took a lot of his time), healthy, and ready to find someone to settle down with. Now came the hard part. In order to find his other half, Servat had to step out of his comfort zone.
With A Busy Schedule, He Turned To A Dating App

Thankfully, technology makes it fairly simple for people to meet other singles in the area. There are multiple telephone applications to sign up for, depending on your preference in a partner.
Since Servat’s job was pretty demanding and kept him busy a majority of the week, a dating app, for him, was the way to go. So, he went ahead and made an account, hoping this would help him find his match made in heaven.
A Woman Named Barbara Bienvenue Caught His Attention

After setting up an online dating account, it took a bit of time before he started talking to someone. After some searching, a woman named Barbara Bienvenue piqued his interest. They began talking, and it didn’t take long for Servat to enjoy her company.
Servat soon fell for her personality and how he could easily make her laugh. Could Servat have found the one he had been looking for? He sure hoped so.
They Wanted To Meet In Person

Both Servat and Bienvenue believed they had a special connection. Or, as much of a connection as two 30-somethings can have over the internet. So, after virtually talking for some time, they decided to meet in Montreal.
Hopefully, it wasn’t some catfishing scheme, and Bienvenue was actually who she said she was. Well, there was only one way to find out. Servat was going to dive into their meeting headfirst and with an open mind.
Servat Quickly Fell In Love

Thankfully, Bienvenue was who she said she was. And when Servat first laid eyes on her in Montreal, he knew their bond was something special. The two instantly clicked, constantly dating over the next few weeks.
It was safe to say their relationship was developing into something more than an online, long-distance romance. Servat fell in love with her, trusting her even though they’d only known each other for a short period. He’d realize soon that there’s a reason people don’t trust strangers.
Bienvenue Wanted To Have A Serious Chat

Two months into dating, Bienvenue told Servat they needed to have a serious conversation. Honestly, that phrase typically spells trouble for the other party. With that thought in mind, Servat was confused. He thought their relationship was going well, so what could be the issue?
Although they were still deciding if the other was “the one,” Servat didn’t think they had any outstanding issues between them. What could Bienvenue possibly want to have a serious talk about?
Servat’s Girlfriend Dropped A Huge Bomb

Walking toward him with a big smile on her face, Bienvenue dropped a bomb: she was pregnant. This was not the news Servat was expecting to come out of his new girlfriend’s mouth.
Frozen, it took Servat a few seconds to digest what she had just said to him. They were going to be parents. He was going to be a father. They were going to start a family together. Then, he broke out in a smile of his own.
Friends And Family Rejoiced At The News

Just a few months ago, Servat was daydreaming about finding someone to spend his life with, having kids and starting a family. Now, his dream was becoming a reality right in front of his eyes. You’d think he just won the lottery with how happy he was.
And he wasn’t the only one thrilled by the news. Servat’s friends and family rejoiced, knowing how important this stage in Servat’s life was to him. So, they threw the happy couple a party and started counting down the days to the birth.
Bienvenue Had A Rough Time Adjusting To Pregnancy

Like many in their first trimester, Bienvenue had a rough time adjusting to the many changes happening to her body. She was gaining weight, having mood swings, and was experiencing the worst morning sickness.
Being a first-timer himself, Servat was worried for her as well as the baby. So, he insisted she move into his house. That way, his family could help take care of her while he was at work. She agreed, and the two were soon living under the same roof.
The Couple Received Interesting News From The Doctor

As the months dragged on, Bienvenue’s belly became bigger and bigger. So big, in fact, that the couple was beginning to wonder if there was more than one baby inside. Instead of playing a guessing game, they made a doctor’s appointment.
There, Bienvenue learned she was pregnant with twins! Servat couldn’t believe it. He was excited about one child, but two was even better in his mind. Little did he know that they were about to get more news.
As It Turned Out, There Were A Few More Babies In Her Belly

As Bienvenue continued to go to doctor’s appointments, she received more startling news. The mama and babies were healthy, but it looked as though another baby was in the mix! As it turned out, Bienvenue was pregnant with triplets.
But that wasn’t the end of it. During Bienvenue’s final ultrasound, the couple learned that they needed to buy a few more baby things because they were about to be the parents of quintuplets!
The Couple Was Over The Moon About The News

Servat and Bienvenue were beyond thrilled with the prospect of having a large family. They were also feeling like two of the luckiest people in the world, considering how few women are blessed by becoming pregnant with quintuplets.
And, since a majority of people they knew with five children had started their families back when they were in their 20s, Servat and Bienvenue felt as though they streamlined an entire chapter of their lives.
Money Was A Big Concern

The thing is, it is very expensive to raise five children at once. Not to mention they were both first-time parents being thrown to the metaphorical sharks with five kids on the way. What were they going to do?
Servat took it upon himself to figure out how he was going to provide for his new and growing family. He was a man on a mission to protect the people he loved.
Servat Was Beginning To Worry If He’d Be Able To Support Them All

The good news was Servat had a steady job. The bad news was that the pay was just average and not enough to support six other people. He found himself becoming increasingly anxious about money as the due date drew closer and closer.
What was he going to do? Luckily, they had a huge support system of friends and family who were willing to pitch in where needed. Even so, they had five babies on the way, and that took a lot of preparation.
They Needed More Help

The couple was lucky, since they had a great support system to help them with expenses and taking care of the babies. But it was going to take more than a few extra people to help raise quintuplets.
With that thought in mind, Servat turned to a friend for help. Together, they brainstormed ideas on how to ask for help from non-family members. Servat was out of his element. He wasn’t used to asking strangers for help.
They Looked To Social Media For Help

Together, Servat and his friend thought of something the father-to-be hadn’t considered. Social media was making it easier than ever before to ask people for help.
And with a rare story like Servat and Bienvenue’s, they were sure some folks would want to help the couple. It was like a light bulb went off in their heads. They knew what they had to do in order to ask for help raising the quintuplets over the internet.
Servat Asked For Professional Sponsorships

Finally, all of their ideas formed a solid game plan, starting with Servat asking friends, family, and co-workers to spread his and his girlfriend’s story. Then, the father-to-be created a Facebook page.
There, he shared the story of Bienvenue and the quintuplet’s progress. He even went as far as asking for professional and personal sponsorships, in hopes of getting supplies such as diapers, blankets, bottles, and cribs. He could only hope that the word would spread.
The Community Was Eager To Help

After some time, it was obvious that the community was all too eager to help, with local businesses wanting to support the soon-to-be parents. The couple was over the moon that they didn’t need to focus on money and baby things anymore.
Instead, they could focus on a healthy pregnancy. Of course, when gifts came in, Servat was sure to post a warm thank you to the Facebook page, along with updates on the pregnancy.
Servat’s Mother Was All Too Happy To Help

Servat was the happiest he’d been in his entire life. He had a woman he loved, and they were about to start a family together. And his parents were excited to have grandkids! In fact, Servat’s family all did their best to make sure Bienvenue had the smoothest pregnancy possible.
His mother would often stay home to help her around the house, taking care of anything Bienvenue needed. It wasn’t easy to do daily tasks with her large belly, after all.
Bienvenue Told Servat To Pick The Names

Bienvenue was beyond grateful to the Servat family. She even told the father-to-be that he could pick all five of the baby names. To say that Servat was ecstatic at the notion would be an understatement.
The pregnancy was going so well, and the two couldn’t wait until the day they would meet their babies. Unfortunately, everything came crashing down the day Bienvenue went into labor. And everything Servat had been looking forward to was taken away.
They Rushed To The Hospital

When the 34th week of Bienvenue’s pregnancy hit, her water broke. Since Servat had read up on what to do when this day came, he knew what to do: stay calm and grab their overnight bag for the hospital.
Their friends and family met the couple at the hospital. There, everyone eagerly waited to meet the newest additions to the family. It was the happiest day of Servat’s life. Too bad things weren’t going to end as planned.
Servat Was Pacing The Waiting Room

Servat paced the waiting room, waiting for doctors to deliver the news that the quintuplets were all healthy and happy with their mother. It was the best day of Servat’s life, but he was getting antsy.
He just had to keep telling himself that soon he’d be holding his children while his girlfriend peacefully rested in the hospital bed. But then the doctor came out, and Servat knew right away that something had gone wrong.
The Doctor Didn’t Look Happy

When the doctor walked out to the waiting room, Servat noticed he didn’t look nearly as happy as he should. Instead, he looked confused. With his Servat’s family surrounding him, they were waiting to hear whatever the doctor had to say.
Little did they know that the news was going to change everything. After a few moments, the doctor asked to speak with Servat in private. This couldn’t be good, but Servat agreed.
There Were No Records Of Bienvenue’s Pregnancy

The doctor told Servat that his confusion started right when Bienvenue was first admitted to the hospital. He couldn’t find one record of her pregnancy. There were no tests, blood work, sonograms, or even doctors and nurses who could confirm her pregnancy.
But that couldn’t be right, as Servat and his family had always dropped her off at appointments. The doctor went on to explain that because they couldn’t find records, they had to order a blood test. And the results shocked everyone.
Bienvenue Wasn’t Pregnant. There Were No Babies

That’s when the doctor dropped a huge bomb: Bienvenue wasn’t actually pregnant; there were no babies. Servat didn’t want to believe him. After all, he helped his girlfriend with her pregnancy every step of the way. This had to be some kind of mistake.
In a later interview, Servat said, “The doctors told me it was a phantom pregnancy.” His world quickly crumbled around him. All of the plans he made were no longer important.
A Friend Thought Something Was Fishy From The Start

Unfortunately, a phantom pregnancy gives a woman all of the symptoms of an actual pregnancy. Servat had no reason not to believe his girlfriend wasn’t carrying quintuplets. She had horrible morning sickness, her belly grew, and she had even started lactating.
But while Servat didn’t catch on to anything abnormal, one of his friends did. Genevieve Laflamme recently gave birth to triplets and found it weird how active Bienvenue was in her last trimester. She believed Bienvenue knew she wasn’t pregnant.
Lies Started To Fall Into Place

When Laflamme finally told Servat that she believed Bienvenue knew she wasn’t pregnant, other weird events started to fall into place. First, Servat never went to any of her doctor’s appointments. And each time Bienvenue returned, the number of babies grew.
It seemed more and more likely that Bienvenue lied about the entire thing. It was even worse because the doctors were beginning to agree. It was then that Servat remembered something strange about his girlfriend’s past.
It Wasn’t Her First Con

Servat remembered Bienvenue never talked about her family, nor did he ever ask. He wanted to respect her silence on the matter. But Servat was done being quiet; he wanted answers. Especially once the news hit the local papers, and he got a message from one of her relatives.
He told Servat, “This isn’t the first time she’s done it. But honestly, we never would have thought she was sick enough to do it again.”
Servat Wants To Live A Quiet Life

All Servat could do was release a statement apologizing for Bienvenue’s con. As it turned out, her “pregnancies” are just a way for her to raise funds for herself. Servat was heartbroken, as was his family. Today, he just wants to move on and live a quiet life.
As for Bienvenue, her family finally had an intervention and convinced her to seek professional help in a mental institution. She is receiving care for her actions. And hopefully, she will never get a chance to con another man again.
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