Awesome - After Saying “I Do” This Man Abruptly Left His Wedding Day With His Wife Standing There

Jeremy Bourasa/Facebook
September 1, 2018 is a day that Krista Boland will remember for the rest of her life: after a series of tragedies and obstacles, she was finally marrying her long-time partner Jeremy Bourasa. However, just when it looked like everything was under control and the wedding day was a success, Jeremy suddenly took off and left his wife standing there in her wedding dress without him.
A Couple For The Ages
Cottage Grove, Minnesota residents Jeremy Bourasa and Krista Boland have created quite the legacy together. For nearly 15 years, the two have been inseparable. They had their first son together in 2009, and then had a second son a few years later.

Krista Boland-Bourasa/Facebook
They were both lucky to have found their soulmate so early on in life. It was quite obvious to anyone who knew them that they were going to be in it together for the long haul — yet something was still missing from their relationship. While they’d managed to hit every relationship milestone along the way, there was something that had always evaded them.
One Stone Left Unturned
Despite years of happiness together and the fortifying experience of raising a family, Jeremy still had never gotten down on one knee to pop the big question to Krista. However, perhaps the possibility of marriage was secondary to the couple. When they weren’t raising kids, they were out living their own lives.

Krista Boland-Bourasa/Facebook
Krista was often involved with the community or going out with friends, while Jeremy was working as a mortgage loan processor while he aspired to take his DJing to new heights. While life seemed like a bed of roses for the couple, something would soon happen that would leave Krista utterly shocked.
A Sudden Loss
Calamity struck the family. In a nightmarish scenario, Krista learned that her niece and nephew had tragically perished in a house fire. As if to deepen the wound, this wouldn’t be the last time that fire would strike her family.

Krista Boland-Bourasa/Facebook
Not long after the first tragedy, yet another incident rocked the family: Krista’s sister lost her home in yet another terrible house fire. The impact on the entire family was immediate and tremendous. Not only was Krista deeply affected by these incidents, but also her boyfriend Jeremy. As he thought over these events, he decided he needed to respond in his own way.
Taking Some Drastic Action
Being a supportive partner, Jeremy decided to apply to be a part-time firefighter. It’s practically a given that Krista must have had some reservations regarding this shift in directions, especially seeing as Jeremy was already a successful mortgage loan processor. However, the move was a touching decision.

Jeremy Bourasa/Facebook
Jeremy, a man of the arts and the mortgages, wanted to spend the rest of his waking life seeking to help those affected by the very thing that had caused his wife so much trauma and grief. He immediately started taking the training courses. And as fate would have it, it was around this time that Krista found herself in for another surprise.
Popping The Big Question
In 2018, the stone was finally turned. Jeremy at long last got down on one knee and asked Krista to marry him. Naturally, she was more than glad to accept. The sadness from recent events began to melt away, and life suddenly brought about a whole new feeling of excitement.

Jeremy Bourasa/Facebook
Krista was now spending her days looking for that perfect dress, searching for the city’s best venue, and going over every minute detail of planning that a bride-to-be needs. While everything seemed to be going right on schedule, something would happen that would turn the tables on her fantasy wedding and leave her feeling desperate.
Last Minute Cancellation
Many people dream about their wedding from the time they are a child. What they usually picture is a flashy venue filled to the brim with their friends and family, and tray after tray of amazing delicacies that’ll be talked about for years to come.

However, real life sometimes crushes our most joyful fantasies. Krista found this out the hard way when the venue she had scheduled called and cancelled on her just days before the wedding. Panic set in. Now, her perfect wedding stood as nothing more than a broken dream. However, all hope wasn’t lost. Krista and Jeremy would put their heads together and muster up the perfect alternative.
Wedding Bells of a Different Kind
When their dream wedding plans seemed all but tarnished, Krista came up with the notion to have the wedding at Jeremy’s place of employment. To begin with, Jeremy didn’t know if it was possible, but he’d find out. He contacted his boss and asked if it was a possibility. Gratefully, the firehouse captain had no problem with the plan, and gave them his permission.

Krista Boland-Bourasa/Facebook
So it was settled: the couple would at last be able to tie the knot, and they would do it at the St. Paul Park fire station. While it wasn’t going to be set in the romantic venue that Krista had hoped for, in concept, it still promised to be quite memorable. However, Krista had one concern surrounding the idea.
In Case Of Emergency
Firefighting is a profession that requires the utmost discipline and commitment. When one is sworn in to be a firefighter, they take an oath to fight fires whenever and however they can. During very serious emergencies, firefighters can even sometimes transferred to other parts of the world.

This brought up a frightening question in Krista’s mind: what would happen if there was a fire during the wedding? During an interview with KARE11, she stated the following, “We talked about it, ‘What if there’s a call?’ I was like, ‘You can let the other guys go. You’re not leaving our wedding.'” However, what were the actual chances of an emergency breaking out during their wedding? Krista and Jeremy came to an agreement.
Leave It To The Others
Krista didn’t want anything to ruin her day. Enough had happened already. So, in the event that there was a fire as she and Jeremy were saying their vows, it was agreed upon that they would leave the work to the other firemen. It didn’t seem like too much to ask for on such a special day.

Jeremy Bourasa/Facebook
The chances were pretty low that a fire would consume a whole block just because one man was missing. With no delay, the date of their wedding approached. Jeremy and Krista found themselves dressing up for a day whose memories would live with them for the rest of their lives. Little did Krista know that it would end much different than she had planned.
The Big Day
As the fateful day arrived for Jeremy and Krista, everything seemed to be in order, even peaceful. The ceremony was a smash success and no calls had been placed to the fire station about blazes needing to be put out — so far. Then they started taking their wedding photos, and that was when Krista’s nightmare came true.

Krista Boland-Bourasa/Facebook
The fire alarm rang out through the entire station and instantly the romance of the day faded. The firefighters started quickly preparing to go into battle, but as agreed, Jeremy didn’t join. His fire suit stayed hung in his locker and his helmet went untouched. Krista looked at her husband and made sure he’d stay put and he complied. However, something would happen that would see Krista have a change of heart.
A Second Call Comes In
Krista began to quickly grasp that even if it was her wedding day, life wasn’t all about her, and there were people out there that needed help. During an interview with People, Krista said, “At first I looked at him like, ‘No, don’t even think about it,’ and he wasn’t going to think about it.”

Krista Boland-Bourasa/Facebook
She further stated, “But then, we were taking a couple more pictures and I could actually hear how bad the fire was. It was the city next to us that needed help, so it was an ‘all-call,’ where they call for extra men.” The serene day was suddenly filled with tension and Krista knew what she had to do.
Staying True To Himself
There are no doubts that Jeremy wanted to stay true to his wife and not run out while taking wedding photos, but he also wanted to fulfill his duty as a firefighter. He had taken an oath. His internal conflict was palpable, and Krista saw him befuddled.

She said during an interview, “I just looked over at Jeremy and I could just see it in his eyes. He felt so torn. And I said, ‘Go ahead and go, babe. They need you.”’ But even if she at last felt prepared to let him go, was Krista shocked that her husband chose fighting fires over celebrating his own wedding day?
Truly Dedicated
Krista was not at all surprised by her husband’s actions that day. It’s a difficult conundrum, and while many would choose getting married over fighting a fire, Jeremy was a bit different. Krista said, “Jeremy’s super, super dedicated, so he’s always going to every call he can go to.”

Krista Boland-Bourasa/Facebook
She further stated, “He also works as a mortgage loan processor, so he does that full-time. But there are times where he’ll leave and go to a fire or a call. It happens at least a couple of times a month.” She also said about her husband, “Jeremy really is amazing, and that’s why I married him. He would do anything for anyone, he truly would.” With that, one has to wonder what happened to the wedding in the end.
The Icing On The Cake
After a few hours, the fire had been successfully extinguished. Jeremy and Krista were reunited and the wedding went on as it should have. While many might figure Krista could have been a little let down by the disturbance, she actually wasn’t. She told KARE 11, “I’ve got the rest of my life with him. They needed him for that moment.”

Krista Boland-Bourasa/Facebook
Krista’s sacrifice was not at all unnoticed by her new spouse Jeremy. He told KARE11: “That just kind of put the icing on the cake, for I know she’s the one for the rest of my life.” While this all started as a personal tale to share with friends and family, they’d soon find that they caused quite a stir.
Causing a Media Frenzy
While Krista and Jeremy’s unconventional wedding day didn’t seem like the kind of thing that would touch strangers all over the world, it eventually began to gain traction. A few posts of social media had many hopeless romantics blushing, and they couldn’t help but pass the remarkable story forward. Eventually major news outlets got ahold of the story.

Krista Boland-Bourasa/Facebook
Krista and Jeremy would see their wedding hijinks being covered by big names like Inside Edition and Good Morning America. While some showed distaste for Jeremy’s choice to leave his wife behind on their wedding day, it has to be pointed out that he did something very admirable by taking the time out of his very best day in order to help someone experiencing their worst.
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