Awesome - Woman Adopts a Tiny Pet Without Knowing What It’d Grow Up To Be
Yumna Saloojee, a South African woman, couldn’t wait to adopt a pet. When she set her eyes on the most adorable little Alaskan malamute dog, she knew he was the one and couldn’t wait to bring him home. She always wanted a furry companion to call her very own best friend and was excited at the prospect of providing a loving home for a special little puppy. After a few months, Yumna started noticing a drastic transformation in her beautiful pooch, which left her totally baffled. Read here to find out what Yumna discovered after deciding to adopt her malamute puppy.
1. Choosing To Adopt a Pet
Usually, one of the biggest factors people take into account when choosing to adopt a pet is the size of the animal. In 2014, Yumna Saloojee from South Africa knew she wanted to adopt a dog, but size wasn’t something she really pondered over…not until something quite interesting and unexpected happened. She would have been happy with just about any kind of dog!
Big pets are fun to have around, but come with slightly more challenges and responsibilities. They require significantly more space and can be hard to handle at times. Small pets, on the other hand, are more convenient and easier to groom for the most part. Nevertheless, some people just want more to hug and cuddle with, so a bigger dog seems fun. Ultimately, it’s a personal choice depending on what you are looking for in an animal. For one woman in particular, she had her eyes set on a cute little puppy.
2. A New Furry Friend
Yumna had made the decision that it was time to finally make her dream come true, take the leap, and adopt a pet. She had been dreaming about it for quite a while and had her heart set on getting a puppy, because all she ever wanted was a furry best friend by her side all the time. Not only that, she finally felt ready to take on the responsibility of looking after a pooch companion. So out she went to find the dog of her dreams.
It did not take too much searching before she stumbled across her soon-to-be best friend: an irresistible little ball of fluff that was an Alaskan malamute. The dog was just a little furball at the time and it was impossible to imagine how much the puppy would grow. Nonetheless, Yumna had met the pup of her dreams, and realized that her life was going to change for good – in more ways than she expected.
3. The One
Yumna was absolutely ecstatic to be able to finally adopt a pet. The fact that the lucky pet would be her very first dog made it even more exciting for her. The process required a bit of searching, but once she laid her eyes on the cutest little Alaskan malamute puppy she had ever seen, her heart melted on the spot.
As soon as Yumna locked eyes with the cute and fluffy malamute, she knew that he was the right dog for her. “I fell in love the second I held him,” she told The Dodo. When she first picked him out, he was only two weeks old. Since he was so young, the dog still needed time to nurse from his mother. For that reason, Yumna had to wait a few weeks before she could bring him home. She could hardly wait for the day to come. And she was incredibly surprised when the day finally came.
4. Home Time
After weeks of waiting to see her precious new pup, the day finally she came when she could pick up her new fur baby. He had already grown quite a bit since the last time she saw him. Yumna had already chosen a name for him: Tydus. The name means “great, giant warrior” and it was extremely popular in ancient Rome, named after a local king. This little dog just had to be destined for great things.

Small and fluffy pooch, he was incredibly loveable and friendly from the get-go, and he already knew he was boss. Nonetheless, Yumna knew what she was getting into when she adopted an Alaskan malamute. She wasn’t particularly looking for a small dog breed and was fully aware that Tydus would grow bigger as he got older. The breed typically grows to quite a substantial size, but as she would soon find out, Tydus was more special than other Mamalutes.
5. Settling In
As soon as Tydus was brought home for the first time, he managed to settle in quite quickly. He was lavished with an array of toys, had a comfy new bed, plenty of food, and tons of attention around-the-clock in his new, loving home. Right off the bat, Tydus discovered his natural love of running around and frolicking in the grass with his toys like nobody’s business. He had so much open space in his new home. As he grew, he would definitely need it!
This cute Alaskan malamute was the little king of the household now and he loved all the joy he was getting at the new home. The little rascal loved to play with Yumna and made tons of human friends when Yumna’s friends and family came over to visit. He was such an active and affectionate puppy that he needed lots of attention. Fortunately, all those who met him were glad to give this growing dog what he wanted!
6. A Natural
Pictured here is Tydus when he was around eight weeks old. He couldn’t have been more adorable. As he explored and learned about the world around him, he discovered his favorite games and seemed to be trying to master the art of playing soccer. Moreover, he made the perfect dog model, always willing to pose for the camera with his photogenic furry face and funny antics.
The moment Tydus was welcomed into his new home, Yumna documented his every waking moment. Anybody would have done the same because, after all, a puppy doesn’t have to do much to look cute. All he had to do here was play with his soccer ball and smile. Little Tydus was also growing very quickly, and she didn’t want to miss a thing before he grew into a full size dog. By the time he was full grown, it would be hard to imagine this was the same dog.
7. Pool Time
Not only did Tydus the Dog have a huge garden to play in, he also had his very own swimming pool at Yumna’s home. Alaskan malamutes enjoy swimming, so she wanted him to get used to being around water as he grew into a bigger puppy. Pictured here is one of the occasions when they were trying to get Tydus acclimated to the pool scene. He seems to be having a nice time!
At this point, Tydus wasn’t quite ready to jump in and get all his fur wet just yet. He was just happy to get close to the pool and be able to play outside in the grass. Of course, Yumna made sure that this moment was documented too with the pooch smiling for the camera. Little Tydus always knew how to pose to get the perfect shot even as he continued to grow at an unbelievable pace.
8. Part of the Pack
It didn’t take long for Yumna and every member of the Saloojee clan to fall in love with Tydus. He was growing cuter and more lovable by the day and Tydus felt like another part of the family. More likely, Tydus now thought they were part of his! The pup never seemed to run out of energy. His favorite activity at this point was playing with all of Yumna’s family members and friends all day long.
His sweet face, adorable black eyes, perfectly fluffed hair, and pudgy little paws made Tydus the most irresistible puppy dog out there. Could he get even cuter? Yumna couldn’t have been happier with her decision to bring this Alaskan malamute beauty home. He was the perfect addition to the family even as he continued to grow day by day. Still, she had no idea what was about to be in store for her.
9. Getting Bigger
As all dog owners know, it is normal for puppies grow significantly bigger as they get older. Because of this, Yumna didn’t suspect anything odd about Tydus’s growth spurts in the beginning. From the day she picked him out, she knew he was going to be a relatively big dog, like most dogs of the Alaskan malamute breed. However, Tydus seemed to be doing things a little bit differently.
No one knew it just yet, but Tydus’s growth spurt starting to take off and surpass other dogs of his age. He continued to grow and grow and grow by the day and was quickly reaching his full-grown size. Yumna was totally besotted with her lovable Alaskan malamute and would love him in any shape, form, or size. But just how big was Tydus going to grow? It would only be a matter of time to find out.
10. Giant Great Warrior
As it turns out, Tydus was fast living up to the meaning of his name: Great Giant Warrior. He continued to grow exponentially as he began to grow from a tiny little thing into a full grown dog. Even though he was still a puppy, he had already reached the weight of a whopping 54 kilograms (120 lbs), which is already huge for an Alaskan malamute. Anyone who had seen Tydus from the start would hardly recognize him now!

The once-tiny pooch was growing into what looked more like a majestic-looking bear or lion. Yumna had no idea Tydus would grow to such a humongous size when she adopted him, but she adored him nevertheless and still thought he was the cutest thing around. Don’t think his big size stopped him from acting like a puppy either. He loved to run, jump and play more than ever, hardly aware of his size. How was she going to tend to such a big dog? For all she knew, he could get even bigger!
11. The Alaskan Malamute
A male Alaskan malamute usually reaches about 35 kilograms (85 lbs), and can stand at 65 centimeters (25 inches) high at the shoulder. In rare cases, the so-called “giant” versions can reach about 64 kilograms (140 lbs), but their bodies are not designed to carry that weight.
Clearly Tydus was way bigger and taller than the average malamute, but no one anticipated he could grow to be the size of a giant malamute when he was still just a puppy. So what exactly did this mean for Yumna?
12. Towering Over
When it comes to hugs, Tydus has never been shy. He loves jumping up to hug Yumna; the only problem is he towers over her with his giant size and all that fluff going on. At two years old, Tydus didn’t look like he was slowing down.
“To be honest, his size comes from all that magical fluff,” Yumna told Get Leashed magazine. “I don’t think he will get any bigger now, and that’s okay. I might get crushed if he does!” The funniest part of it all is that Tydus didn’t seem aware of his own size.
13. Cuddle Buddies
Yumna decided to make some use of all that fluff and fur by cuddling with Tydus every day. Only a giant Alaskan malamute like him could make the best cuddle buddy out there. He loves it so much that he smiles every time!
Even though Tydus outgrew his manageable puppy size very rapidly, Yumna continued to take pictures of her beloved bear all the time, enjoying the gift of having him. Continue reading to find out what happened after she shared her pictures with the world.
14. Overgrown Puppy
Despite his enormous size, Tydus continued to act like a puppy, blissfully unaware of his proportions. He climbed in Yumna’s lap even though he couldn’t fit. In fact, it’s his resemblance to a big bear that made him into more of a sweetheart.
While Yumna and her family got used to Tydus’s size, strangers in the streets started to notice this overgrown pooch and his abundant amount of fur. She feared people might get scared by the sheer size of her dog without knowing his personality, but people proved her wrong.
15. People’s Reactions
Every time Yumna took Tydus out for a walk in the streets to keep him active, he’d grab the attention of everyone who caught a glimpse of him. “His fluffiness is the first thing that catches attention, then his size,” Yumna told The Dodo.
She went on to say, “Wherever we go, even just for a walk around the block, we get stopped and asked about his size, age and most often, ‘What breed is he?’ I guess it’s not often that you see a lion-dog walking the street.” With all this positive attention, Yumna wanted to share her beautiful Alaskan malamute’s beauty with the world, and you won’t believe how!
16. A Social Media Star
Yumna was super excited to share her beautiful Alaskan malamute with the world, so she decided to create his very own Instagram page where she could upload different photos of him every day. She wanted to show off his dazzling personality.

Tydus the dog became a star with over 140,000 followers. “If his looks didn’t get your attention, his personality definitely will,” Yumna said about opening the account. “He has an amazing soul that earns everyone’s affection. He’s a little charmer … or giant charmer.” However, there was one other charmer joining in on the all the attention.
17. Trez, The Congo African Grey Parrot
The Instagram account was created for Tydus and all his shenanigans, but he shares it with his brother Trez, the Congo African Grey Parrot. In fact, the account is called Trez & Tydus, on which Trez the adorable bird often makes random appearances.
Facebook/Trez and Tydus
Yumna calls Trez “The Ruler of Everything” because of how he enjoys mimicking everyone around the house and sits there looking all regal. Tydus is more of the big friendly giant in the house, but they do play together at times.
18. Picture Perfect
Yumna absolutely adores her animals, especially when they play together and “behave” just long enough to pose for the camera. It seems like Tydus here wants all the attention, and he believes the best way to get it is by “gnawing” off his mother’s arm.
It’s pictures like these that Yumna chooses to share almost every day to capture all the cuteness and love of Tydus the dog. He behaves like an overgrown puppy, goofing around all day. If you think you’ve seen it all, continue reading to see what else this big ball of fur gets up to all the time.
19. Goofing Around
Most of the time Tydus is a serious goofball. He loves to have a romp around with his stuffed toys when he isn’t cuddling Yumna. Here, he is seen having a great time completely ripping poor little Mickey Mouse to pieces.
Well, for such a huge and high-energy Alaskan malamute, Yumna has to make sure he’s always entertained with some kind of activity. Besides for Mickey over here (or what’s left of him), Tydus also has a stuffed monkey he likes to chew to keep himself busy during the day.
20. Hey You, Freeze!
There are a few more favorite toys Tydus likes to play with. He especially loves his stuffed dinosaur and toy gun. We aren’t quite sure what the overgrown pooch is imagining in this situation, but he sure looks content – probably because he beat the dinosaur at a game of cops and robbers.
You might not know it at first glance, but Tydus has a very busy schedule planned out for him all day. When he’s not decimating Mickey Mouse or play-shooting his purple stuffed dinosaur, the malamute has some pretty serious business to take care of.
21. Helping Mama
When Tydus isn’t goofing about, he likes to help his mama Yumna get some work done. Just look at him appearing all sage and wise. He has those airs about him – as if he can advise Yumna about the ways of the world when he isn’t acting like an oversize puppy.
Well the bigger the dog, the bigger the heart, right? No doubt! In Tydus’s case it’s true, and he’s the best companion for all Yumna’s escapades and adventures both inside and outside the house. He also happens to make the best driving partner!
22. Just Cruising Through
When Yumna has places to go and people to see, she takes her big friendly giant Alaskan malamute with her for the ride. Tydus the Dog is just so big that people in traffic won’t want to mess with her.
Another benefit of taking Tydus for the ride is that other drivers might get distracted by his size and beauty and allow her to skip ahead when no one is watching. The love between these two just knows no bounds.
23. Fooling Around
One of Tydus’s favorite things to do is to chase and play wrestle Yumna to the ground. He tends to forget how big he is, and when Tydus starts playing, the fluffy bear of a dog is always in it to win it.
He looks massive next to Yumna, but it’s probably safe to say we wouldn’t mind having a wrestle with Tydus either. We have seriously fallen in love with his one-of-a-kind personality and how adorably unaware he is of his size.
24. Yippeeeeeee!!!
Every time Yumna comes back home, Tydus gets so excited he leaps into the air. He seriously looks like a flying bear. Just look at the smile on his face! Have you ever seen a happier Alaskan malamute in your lives? We certainly haven’t!
This picture pretty much sums up the love between Tydus the dog and his human mama, Yumna. It didn’t take her too long to get used to his huge size. He probably has to eat a whole lot of food, but it’s all worth it for her.
25. True Love
Yumna is so grateful she picked Tydus as her fur baby. She definitely didn’t think she’d be taking care of a giant Alaskan malamute, but his golden personality and his endlessly funny antics have only added to their special relationship.
A lot of the time, Tydus the Dog’s social media fame is associated with another famous dog. Tydus is occasionally having his thunder stolen by a husky-malamute dog named Loki the Wolfdog. He’s been breaking hearts since 2013 and has over 1.7 million Instagram followers.
26. Double Trouble
Tydus is not the only adorable Giant Alaskan Malamute around. This next guy posted a photo of himself with his two giant fur babies on Reddit and people went wild! He captioned the photo saying “My tiny puppies. I gotta get a bigger couch.”
Several people responded to the online poster, known only as Turdman 13. One commenter noted the challenges of having malamutes, writing that having them is a “Trade off: more money for food, lower hearing bill. Just cuddle.” We couldn’t agree more!
27. Onward!
Good luck trying to control these humongous dogs, buddy. It looks like they’re the ones who are trying to take him for a walk! With Giant Alaskan Malamutes like these, a simple afternoon walk requires amassing serious upper body strength first.

The dogs are raring to get walking and the poor owner is summoning all his strength to keep these giant fur babies in line. It might be hard work to take care of such huge dogs but they’re so cute, so it’s all worth it.
28. One Giant Pal
This Giant Alaskan Malamute is huge and it doesn’t seem that his human owner minds one bit. The pair look quite comfy on the couch, though it seems this dog has managed to outgrow what would otherwise be a spacious sofa.

This photo has even sparked its very own meme with the caption “I don’t know what type of dog this is, but I would definitely ride it into battle.” Yes, this looks like a dog you don’t want to mess with. Just cuddle!
29. All Paws
This next Giant Alaskan Malamute towers over his owners but still seems to think he’s still a tiny pup. In this video, the owners keep trying to teach him the “paw” command but he still has a bit of learning to do.
YouTube/Viral Paws
On each attempt, this giant fluffer ends up collapsing into a snuggle and cuddle puddle after giving one paw. We can forgive him while he learns because it’s all so adorable! There are still more majestic dogs on this list so keep reading!
30. The Real-Life Teddy Bear
Remember those giant teddy bears you used to win as a prize at carnivals? Well, this Giant Alaskan Malamute is what those teddy bears would look like if they came to life! This giant pooch is just as fluffy as he is tall!

This dog must wow everyone it meets because its practically as big as its owner (maybe even bigger, to be honest). The owner doesn’t seem to mind though, because together they are all smiles, having the times of their lives.
31. Evo And His Baby Buddy
Who is this super cute duo who know how to play ever so gently? It’s none other than Evo and Adam! Evo the Alaskan Malamute just adores his new baby buddy, Adam, who was only four months old when this precious photo was taken.
Alaskan Malamutes are known for being incredibly active but it seems that Evo has learned to calm down a bit when around his dear human companion. According to one article about them, Evo likes to show his affection for Adam by licking his socks. Aww!
32. Giddyup!
Giddyup, doggy! These baby’s face says it all. Maybe it was the baby’s first time meeting an Alaskan Malamute? Maybe the baby had simply never seen such a big creature in his life? Getting to understand that fabulous mass of fur definitely comes with a shock.

Hopefully, this pair grew up to be the best of friends just like Evo and Adam and will continue to have many play dates in the years to come — even if that baby gets way too big to ride even that kind of beast! These kind of dogs are true forever friends.
33. All Hugs
There’s nothing like the bond between a boy and his dog. As babies grow into kids, the love for their furry companions only keeps growing and the dogs themselves feel it right back. That’s certainly the case with this gorgeous pair.

This Giant Alaskan Malamute is certainly feeling the love right back, lucky enough to be embraced in a big bear hug of his own. The adorable little boy seems so calm despite the fact that his dog is practically twice his size.
34. Alaskan Malamute Utopia
British TV host Anna Svenska had the extra-fun work assignment of visiting and interviewing someone who’s quite likely the world’s biggest Giant Alaskan Malamute fan. She’s a woman named Lorna Bartlett who runs a small kennel called Arctic Rainbow Malamutes in Essex, England.
YouTube/Anneka Svenska
The 12 dogs who live with the Bartletts were practically as big Anna herself, as this photo easily demonstrates, and at the end of the day, she even got to ride a sort of dogsled with wheels! Definitely an experience to remember!
35. Danny Direwolf
Meet Danny, a 12 year old Giant Alaskan Malamute who has become a social media star along with his awesome owner, known only by her username Danny Direwolf. The giant fluff of a dog has actually had a long journey because he was rescued from Singapore.

The duo now live in Canada, where they go on adventures and take adorable photos together. Danny’s owner also shares plenty of tips for taking care of Alaskan Malamutes and shares it through regular YouTube vidoes. Time to get an education, folks!
36. Husky Star
Kelly Lund from Denver, Colorado came from a super passionate dog-loving family, so when he was ready to look for his own furry companion he felt like he was up for anything. He thought a husky mixed with malamute would do the trick.
Their journey started on a snowy day in 2012 when Lund brought Loki home. He knew it wouldn’t be easy seeing that both huskies and malamutes are extremely intelligent, mischievous, dominant, and highly energetic pets. Loki even had a bit of arctic wolf in him, so Lund knew he was in for one real challenge.
37. Snapping Away
From the moment Lund took Loki home he started taking pictures of his new companion and posting them on his Instagram. Most people take pictures of their dogs, but Lund couldn’t help taking photograph after beautiful photograph of his pal Loki, non-stop!
After all these dog pictures quickly began to swamp Lund’s account, he decided to make Loki his own Instagram profile called Loki the Wolfdog. In that way, his own profile wouldn’t look like it was hijacked by a pack of wolves, literally!
38. An Instagram Star
The Instagram page was an instant hit! Loki became a star overnight. Lund started the profile in 2013, and within a year the husky and malamute mix had a following of 50,000 fans. Local dog food companies even offered to give Loki food in exchange for some pictures and posts.
Lund didn’t start the page to make Loki famous. He didn’t even use hashtags and certainly didn’t pay any advertisers for followers. But things weren’t slowing down for Loki. By the end of 2015, he had nearly 1 million Instagram followers.
39. A Special Connection
Lund believes that all the success lies in the connection he and Loki share. “Loki’s an animal that can tell what you’re thinking and knows how you’re feeling,” he told Outside magazine. Lund had no formal photography training, but the shots he took were breathtaking.
His natural flair for photography coupled with Loki’s good looks and athleticism spelt success for the pair. Eventually Lund chose to leave his day job and manage Loki’s social media account full time because of deals and projects with the likes of Mercedes, GoPro, and Google.
40. A Full Time Pet Daddy
By 2017, Loki’s Instagram had 1.7 million followers and Lund still enjoys spending all his time with his best friend, honing in on his photography skills and running all kinds of business ventures. He also set up an online shop to sell prints of his wolf dog, as well as calendars, mugs, t-shirts, and other paraphernalia.
When asked about his success, Lund had this to say: “A while back, I saw a dog meme that said, ‘Do what you love and success will follow.’ The punch line was, ‘So I sat on my couch, ate pizza, and took selfies with my dog…I’m still waiting for the money to roll in.’ Turned out that actually worked for me.”
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