Awesome - Dad Cuts His Daughter’s Hair Off After Getting Birthday Highlights, But Mom Steps In
This is the story of Kelsey Fredrick, and the events surrounding her 13th birthday. Every child deserves to have as much fun as they desire on their birthday, Kelsey had two loving parents who though separated, cared about her so much and tried to give her the best. It was close to her 13th birthday and her mom, Christin, chose to fulfill her daughter’s wish and take her to get the blonde highlights she so desired. After that, Kelsey went on to be with her dad, Schaffen for a while but was in for a rude shock. After the visit, Kelsey returned to her mother who couldn’t believe her father’s reaction to Kelsey’s choice. Christin then took it upon herself to make things right.
Not a Happy Birthday
A birthday usually is a period of celebration and joy, marking another year is usually an event which should attract friends and your family to have a memorable party together. This wasn’t the case for this young girl named Kelsey Fredrick who had what we could call a disastrous birthday.

Kelsey was about to turn 13 and was very excited when she got her first hair highlights which were paid for by her mother. Her initial excitement and happiness would later turn to the opposite when she paid her father a visit.
A Strong Single Mother
Kelsey, like many other young people with separated parents, knew what it was like to basically have two families. Though both Christin and Schaffen had joint custody, Kelsey rather chose to spend most of her time with Christin, her loving mother.

Both Kelsey and her mother, Christin lived in Ohio. They were so close they were basically like peas and carrots. Kelsey enjoyed a loving relationship with her mother but the other side for Kelsey was her father.
Spending Time With Dad
Kelsey’s parents, Christin and Schaffen had some issues between them and this led to their separation. Schaffen then moved on from his marriage to Christin and went on to be with someone else.

Schaffen met his new partner while working at the same fire station with her. Regardless, Kelsey still desired to have Schaffen present in her life. However, Christin and Schaffen weren’t the only significant figures in her life and in this interesting story.
Surrounded By Powerful Women
Christin and Schaffen weren’t the only important figures in Kelsey’s life who had impacted her and this story especially. She also experienced the influence of many other people whom she looked up to and out of them, two were women.

Of the two women, one was Kelly, her aunt and the second woman was Kelsey’s godmother, Haylee Ann. Eventually, they would both play a huge role in Kelsey’s life and in this story at the end.
Not A Typical Girl
It was very obvious that Kelsey was quite distinct from her peers. She had some interesting hobbies which were different from those of many teenagers her age. Kelsey was very sure of her likes and wasted no time pursuing her unusual hobbies. For example, Kelsey loved softball so much and was very passionate about swinging for her team.

At the back of her softball jersey was her family name. Apart from playing softball, Kelsey also loved going on fishing trips with her cousins. However, one thing Kelsey liked which other kids do also was having a memorable birthday each year.
It’s My Birthday!
Kelsey’s 13th birthday came as a surprise to Christin as time had moved so fast. Though it wasn’t one of those milestone birthdays like turning sixteen or 21, Christin was determined to make Kelsey’s 13th birthday as memorable as it could get. Every birthday was important as far as she knew and ought to be celebrated.

Christin chose not to give her one of those surprise presents like in many other birthdays, for Kelsey’s 13th birthday, she chose to ask her to ask for anything she wanted as a birthday gift. What Kelsey asked for came as a surprise to Christin however.
Getting Highlights
Like we said before, Christin was quite surprised by her daughter’s birthday wish. She didn’t imagine Kelsey would ask for a type of makeover as her 13th birthday wish. Kelsey still felt like her little daughter. Regardless Christin was prepared to grant her daughter’s birthday wish and was ready to give her the permission to get the hair highlights she wanted.

Kelsey described the type of highlights she wanted, blonde streaks on her brunette hair. Rather than fulfilling her wish at home, Christin chose to take her to a five-star salon so as to get the best service possible.
A Day At The Salon
After that, Christin and Kelsey went off to visit a reputable salon, with Christin hoping to give her daughter, Kelsey, the best birthday treat ever. They were at a local salon for the whole afternoon having a nice time while Kelsey got the hair highlights she wanted. Kelsey was about to be transformed. After all the talks, jokes, and periodic looks into the mirror, the process was eventually completed.

Christin took her daughter in front of a mirror and made her looks at her new appearance. Kelsey was stunned to say the least by the new look she got for her 13th birthday.
Amazing Results
Kelsey was so surprised by her new look as she looked in a mirror. Her face surely looked beautiful with those new blonde highlights. Christin also was so happy with the hair makeover that she took a photo which she shared on her Facebook account.

The results looked really beautiful. Kelsey also posed happily for the camera, smiling widely while doing so, she was evidently happy with the new look. Her joy wouldn’t last for long as another event was about to happen.
Visiting Dad
Kelsey looked forward to having some time with her dad, the only event remaining for her birthday to be perfect. Her mother, Christin chose to let her have her way as she knew how important it was to have a father figure. It was her birthday also, so it was nice to let her spend some time with her dad, Schaffen.

Christin then drove her daughter to Schaffen’s place to stay with her dad and her stepmom for some days, unknown to her that it things would be different by the time she would come back to her.
Terrible Haircut
After spending a number of days at her dad’s place, it was now time for Kelsey to return. Christin went to the door expecting to meet her beautiful daughter but met a kid she couldn’t recognize at first. Upon taking a closer look, Christin was so shocked to discover it was actually her daughter Kelsey. She just couldn’t believe her eyes.

Kelsey had gone from having her beautiful blonde highlights to this horrible haircut. Her hair had been cut so short at the sides with just a little at the top. Turns out her dad and her stepmom chose to give her this ugly haircut instead.
Kelsey Was Devastated
Words couldn’t describe how horrible Kelsey felt with her new haircut, it was so heartbreaking and humiliating for her to come back with that kind of haircut. Within a few days, Schaffen had managed to bring Kelsey’s self-esteem down just with that horrible haircut.

Kelsey who had looked so happy looking at her blonde highlights in the mirror couldn’t even look at herself now, not to talk of posing for pictures like she did before. Christin was so short of words all she could say to her was “Why?’’
Why Did They Do That?
Christin was so furious and demanded answers. She drove off immediately to her dad’s house looking to get an explanation for the horrible haircut. She was pissed at the decision to give Kelsey a haircut without even considering her opinion.

The explanation Schaffen and his partner gave was that Kelsey had to be punished for getting those blonde highlights. According to them, ‘Actions have consequences’, so she had to be punished. Christin chose not to argue with them surprisingly but vowed to take action.
Sharing Their Story Online
Though Christin acted like she was okay with the explanation given by Schaffen, she was rather unable to let that slide. She then shared the whole story on her social media account alongside the photos of a distraught Kelsey covering her face with her hands. She shared the photos she took at the salon and what Kelsey now looked like after the haircut.

She wrote, “This is what my daughter looked like Sunday when I took her home and the other two pics is what happened today before she was brought to me, all over me having highlights put in her hair for her birthday!” Her post started to go viral soon after that.
Going Viral
Though Christin simply wanted her family and some of her friends to see what had happened, she never imagined her post would become so popular. She only intended to share how angry she was with what Kelsey’s dad and stepmom had done. Within a week of posting the pictures on Facebook, up to 40,000 people had reacted to the photos.
Some 25,000 people had also reposted the pictures and story somewhere else. With her post now viral, most of the people who reacted had the same comment.
Nationa Wide Disapproval
Most of the people who viewed the photos and read the backstory had the same reaction, they described Schaffen’s actions as ‘disgusting’ and ‘ridiculous’. When they knew Schaffen was responsible for the horrible haircut as a way of punishing Kelsey, lots of people were really angry. Letters started pouring in from people in support of Kelsey.

Comments such as ‘What a cruel thing for a parent to do to their child’ and ‘So sorry that happened…beautiful no matter what’ was part of people’s opinion on Schaffen’s actions.
Being Caught In The Middle
As the story spread online, may people swiftly condemned Schaffen’s actions but there was a different view to the matter, Kelsey went through the humiliating experience because of another reason. Some people rather believed Kelsey went through that all because she was in the middle of two parents who didn’t love each other.

One of the people wrote ‘I think the daughter was unfortunately in the middle of a get back at you between both parents fighting.’ People even had more to say about her experience.
Aren’t Highlights Normal?
On the issue of a child getting highlights, many parents have different opinions. Though some do not see anything wrong with that, others have a different opinion. In spite of that, highlights aren’t permanent like tattoos though most teenagers are excited about getting them.

Even though it may look unnecessary to some parents, in Kelsey’s case, her father’s actions were inexcusable.
Positive Thoughts
Though many people criticized Schaffen’s harsh action online, some other people tried to help Kelsey regain her confidence. Many people started to offer ideas on how to help Kelsey improve her looks. While some said the best option was to use hair extensions, others recommended getting a wig.

Still, Kelsey was afraid the past event would repeat itself again, she didn’t want a second horrible haircut from her dad.
Team Kelsey
Kelsey’s story had now gone viral and Christin then decided to take advantage of that, she chose to create a Facebook page in honor of her daughter’s experience. Though the page was to be created in honor of Kelsey, the main goal was to have a place where people who had gone through similar circumstances could share their experiences to create awareness.

The page began to grow and by March 2019, it had more than 10,000 followers. Christin also kept them posted on Kelsey’s story and what happened next.
Updating the Masses
With a large number of people waiting to get answers, Christin made it a point of duty to regularly update the Facebook page to keep the subscribers informed. Christin explained how Kelsey had been feeling and what she had been doing to cope and also how the case was being handled legally.

People responded positively to how Kelsey had been handling the whole experience.
Taking Her Mind Off Things
Kelsey had many hobbies that she really enjoyed as we have stated before, though some of those hobbies were a little bit surprising, she enjoyed doing them regardless. This unpleasant experience was not enough to stop her.

Alongside updates on how her daughter was faring and how the case was being handled legally, Christin also posted pictures of her daughter doing her favorite activities which were playing softball and also going out to fish together with her cousins.
The Police Got Involved
Kelsey’s case got the attention of the police and it was treated as a case of potential abuse. The Police Chief, Colby Caroll reiterated this during an interview with Fox8 and said Kelsey had been forced by Schaffen and her stepmom to get a haircut to serve as punishment.

According to the Police Chief, ‘ I’ve been doing this since ’92 and I’ve never had a case I would say that’s like this,’ Schaffen was soon invited by the Police department.
Well, Actions Do Have Consequences
Like Kelsey’s dad originally said, ‘actions have consequences’. This also came back like a boomerang as an investigation was conducted by the Wood County Job and Family Services and the decision was to take action concerning what Schaffen had done. Schaffen and his partner were then suspended from their positions at the emergency fire service.

They were both put on administrative leave and more things were to follow this.
Not Meeting Her Father Anymore
Though Christin and Schaffen both shared joint custody of Kelsey initially, the court ruled that that would no longer be the case. Christin was now to have full custody over her daughter. The news was posted on Facebook by Christin, ‘ After five hours of testimony and evidence provided by both parties, the magistrate decision was for Kelsey to live with her mom and siblings! A huge weight has been lifted off of everyone’s shoulders and we cannot be any [happier]!!’

Though they were happy with the decision, it would eventually lead to some other issues for Kelsey.
Here Comes Aunt Kelly
Kelsey now lived in a safe and loving environment with her mom, her grandma, and her siblings, this still resulted in some other issues, however. One of the main problems was that Kelsey couldn’t bring many of her clothes and other personal possessions with her. A solution was offered by her aunt, Kelly, who helped her create a GoFundMe account to help gather funds to replace the clothes and other possessions she left behind.

Would this be effective in helping Kelsey live a better life?
Target Achieved
Not long after, Kelsey began to get donations. Her Aunt had set a decent amount of $1000 to help her sister and niece get through these difficult times. They were so surprised by the donations coming in.

Her aunt, Kelly was left speechless when an unknown donor sent in $2000. Their $1000 target was beaten in few weeks and the donations eventually amounted to $3,543. With enough money to sustain themselves, Christin developed an idea of what to spend some of the money on.
Returning To The Salon
Now that they had enough money, Christin vowed to make her daughter as happy as she was when she first got the blonde highlights. She then decided to take Kelsey to a salon the second time. They didn’t visit a local salon this time, rather they went on a trip to Lady Jane’s salon.

Though the large room and the thought of how she would now look made Kelsey nervous at first, there was no need for that as she was unprepared for a pleasant surprise.
Smashing Results
Kelsey and her godmother, Haylee Ann, were treated as important guests by the staff who then helped Kelsey make a choice. The staff worked on Kelsey for a few hours and after they were done, she looked at her new hairdo in the mirror. It was a black wig coupled with light brown highlights at the edges.

It looked bold and the staff was particularly pleased with. It was now left to see if Kelsey loved the new look.
She’s Happy Again
Kelsey then looked at herself in the mirror and was pleased with her new wig. Christin and Kelsey’s godmother, Haylee Ann were also stunned by her new look. She wrote “I’d like to thank the ladies…for making my baby feel more like herself! We truly appreciate you ladies so much!”

This new look would surely be important in helping Kelsey get back to her normal self.
Fairy Godmother
Christin then thanked Kelsey’s godmother, Haylee in a post she wrote on Facebook, “..Especially Haylee Ann for taking her to pick out her new hair, you are the best godmother to Kelsey and the bond you two share is incredible, we love you so much!”

Interestingly, a new surprise was on the way for Christin.
Going Viral Once Again!
Christin could no longer go unnoticed on social media, since the time she wrote about her daughter’s experience, her posts had been having a huge amount of engagements.
She then posted pictures from the salon trip and was amazed by the number of likes and the love shown by people. As at March 2019, the post had gotten almost 5000 likes with many shares and comments like “You’re beautiful”
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