Awesome - What The Customer Wrote On His Bill Made His Waitress Burst Into Tears

 When she started her shift that day, this waitress had no idea that it was going to be an unusual day at the job. Unbeknownst to her, something would happen that would forever change her life. It even made her cry there and then! But what happened to the young lady in our story? Read on to find out more about what the stranger did to this pregnant restaurant worker!

Struggling More Than Usual

It was proving to be a harder day than typical. It was already the third trimester of her pregnancy, so her belly had already grown big. She might have been suffering from a painful back and heavy feet, but she did her job as usual. By the time she went to the table to get the bill and dishes, the officer was gone.

Struggling More Than Usual

Struggling More Than Usual

Straight To Her Manager

After opening the folder with the check, she saw a note that the officer left for her. She was unable to contain her emotions and made a beeline for her manager. It was a struggle to hold back her tears!

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Straight To Her Manager

Saving For The Baby

Courtney Cadigan was eight months into her pregnancy by then. Despite this, she kept taking as many shifts at the Lamp Post Diner as she could. She was thinking about the future. There was no way that she was going to have the baby without being financially stable!

Saving For The Baby

Saving For The Baby

Every Cent

She was on her way to becoming a mom, and she knew that she had to work hard and make a lot of money. Every cent was going to count. It is not a secret at all just how expensive it is to have kids!

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Every Cent

Difficult Work

Just so you know, it is hard to be a waiter or waitress. A lot of people do not seem to realize how hard it is to stay on their feet for hours on end only to make low salaries. What makes things even harder is that many customers do not tip them enough.

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Difficult Work

Not A Regular

There were many regulars at the diner. The list includes officers who would drop by to get a quick bite before they started their shift. She was used to them, but she did not recognize this particular cop.

Not A Regular

Not A Regular

Quite Surprising

Before the cop left the diner, he made sure to leave a note for his waitress. Courtney did not expect this at all! She was unprepared for what he had to say. It was the first time she ever got something like that.

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Quite Surprising

Thoughts Racing Through Her Mind

She had been due to give birth on April Fools. As the day drew nearer, Courtney felt even more worried about the state of her finances. One complication was that she had a bad breakup with the baby daddy.

Thoughts Racing Through Her Mind

Thoughts Racing Through Her Mind

All Alone

This meant that she had to raise the kid on her own! She had been thinking about these when the cop entered and took a seat in her section. Courtney handed him the menu and gave him a warm welcome.

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All Alone

Something Was Up

The cops who often went to the diner work at the Voorhees Township Police Department. After seeing a police officer that Courtney failed to recognize, she thought that it was more than just a little strange.

Something Was Up

Something Was Up

Even Stranger

Courtney decided to ignore her thoughts and simply do her job. She went up to the officer and asked for his order. Despite this, their encounter was about to take a turn for the weird. You’ll soon find out how.

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Even Stranger

Her Worries

Her ex had not spoken to her for a little while, so she felt worried. Courtney was holding on to hope that he would get involved in their kid’s life even though their relationship did not end on the best of terms.

Her Worries

Her Worries

Putting On A Smile

It seemed like he did not really treat Courtney as respectfully as he should have had. Despite this, she did not want to worry about it anymore. She simply smiled, took out her pad, and got the cop’s order.

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Putting On A Smile

Slightly Uncomfortable

After the strange police officer went into the diner, she was a bit uncomfortable. Courtney studied his face carefully as they talked. She decided that it must have been the first time she had ever seen him.

Slightly Uncomfortable

Slightly Uncomfortable

Stony-Faced Officer

Maybe he was new to the area. It was also possible that he just did not go to this diner before. Was he going to be trouble? Courtney hoped that he did not have anything to do with her ex. His stony face did not help dispel any of the fears that she had.

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Stony-Faced Officer

An Awkward Situation

She tried her hardest to exchange pleasantries with him and even tried engaging the officer with small talk. Courtney brought up the weather, the food, and more. However, the only response that she got from him was a tight-lipped smile and a nod. It looked like he was turning down her efforts.

An Awkward Situation

An Awkward Situation

An Odd Order

He asked her for a green salad, as well as a glass of water. Courtney felt glad to be out of that awkward situation after listing it down. However, she could feel him watching her as she went into the kitchen.

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An Odd Order

Becoming Busy

When Courtney went through the swing doors once more, she saw that more people went into the diner. A couple was now sitting at the booth behind the cop. She went over and welcomed them.

Becoming Busy

Becoming Busy

A Simple Explanation

The couple had been quick to notice her tired eyes and her baby bump. Courtney explained the situation to brush off their concerns. The waitress later shared, “I was telling the people at the table behind him that it was my first baby.” She also went on to say, “I was going out of work soon.”

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A Simple Explanation

Watching Her Every Move

Before they placed their orders, they congratulated Courtney on the baby. They had no idea that the cop was listening to them! More importantly, he kept an even closer watch on the waitress after she handed him his salad and took care of the other patrons.

Watching Her Every Move

Watching Her Every Move

Asking For The Check

The mysterious police officer finished his salad and glass of water in record time. He asked for his check after he scarfed down the food. His bill went up to $9.00. Courtney promptly brought it to him.

Asking For The Check

Asking For The Check

Filling Up

The diner was starting to get even busier, so she was back on the floor right away. She went to grab the orders of the customers, which was the reason she did not notice that the cop already left the diner!

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Filling Up

The Note

She flipped open the leather folder and found that he left cash to pay for his order. It came with a note that took her by surprise as well! He left a message addressed to Courtney, but just what did he say?

The Note

The Note

What Was The Problem?

Upon some reflection, she said, “He must have overheard my conversation with other customers.” Did he shame Courtney for working even though she was pregnant? Perhaps he found her too slow since she was unable to move around too fast.

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What Was The Problem?

Good Luck

Courtney brought the note up to her face and read it carefully. She could not believe her eyes. This was what his message said: “Enjoy ur 1st. You will never forget it.” He left her $9 to cover the cost of his meal. Wasn’t it sweet of him to wish her luck?


Good Luck

In Disbelief

She then glanced at the space for the tip and could not believe it. Courtney nearly fell over in shock! Her emotions were extreme thanks to the pregnancy hormones, but she was in total disbelief at how generous he had been. Unable to deal with it on her own, she was crying as she went to her manager!

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In Disbelief

Distraught Employee

Courtney tried not to cry, but she was unable to keep them from flowing. She entered the back room with his check. After seeing her so distress, her boss assumed that something bad just took place.

Distraught Employee

Distraught Employee

Was It A Mistake?

Could he have made a mistake? Maybe he was unable to see well and mistook the total amount for something much higher. Perhaps he wanted to leave her $10 and not $100. These scenarios did not sound very likely, but Courtney still had a hard time believing that he wanted to leave such a big tip!

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Was It A Mistake?

No Communication

Courtney explained the situation in even greater detail: “We didn’t really even talk. I brought him his menu, he ordered a salad and I got it for him. I was telling the people at the table behind him that it was my first baby.” He probably overheard that conversation and decided to give her a hand.

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No Communication

Out Of Breath

She had to take several minutes to calm down. Only after that was Courtney able to explain what just happened. It came as a shock to see that he left her a tip of $100. That was more than her daily wage!

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Out Of Breath

Small-Town Girl

She was shocked that the police officer would do such a thing for her. They did not even know one another! Even though she knew that these things happened, she never thought that she would get to experience it. This is not the sort of thing that a small-town girl like Courtney normally experienced.

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Small-Town Girl

A Blessing

“It’s truly a blessing to come across people like him and I’m forever thankful for that,” Courtney said when she talked to the Gloucester Township Patch. After she was able to recover from the shock, she wanted to personally thank the police officer. But how could she do this?

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A Blessing

Nowhere In Sight

Courtney went over to the parking lot. She hoped that he would still be there, but there was no sign of him anymore. How else could she possibly get in touch with him when she did not even get his name?

Nowhere In Sight

Nowhere In Sight

Sharing The Note

After the end of her shift, she returned home. The first thing she did was to call the Voorhees Township Police Department in the hopes of tracking down that cop. She also told her dad Brian what happened.

Sharing The Note

Sharing The Note


Her dad was also shocked to hear about the story. This was the reason he took a photo of the note and posted it on his Facebook account. He added this caption to the image: “What a wonderful person to not only leave a VERY generous tip but a lovely message too.”

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The Post

Brian was clearly moved by the story. He explained, “It’s not the amount, it’s the humanity of it.” He added, “He saw she was struggling and a young girl. She was working in a diner while pregnant, standing with that kind of weight on her, and it was his way of saying, ‘I understand your struggle.’”

The Post

The Post

A Lasting Effect

The cop did an amazing thing on that day. He was able to leave a huge impact on Brian in another way as well. It was not something that the older man would be able to forget. Can you guess what it was?

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A Lasting Effect

Changing Opinions

Brian took to Facebook to express his thoughts. He said, “You always hear about how bad the police are, how they treated you like dirt, how they are on a power trip.” He then followed it up with this: “I am sure there are some bad apples, but most of them are just doing their jobs”.

Changing Opinions

Changing Opinions

Forever Impacted

He continued, “…they deal with the worst of society every day and have to keep going back every day and deal with it all over again.” His opinion of cops changed thanks to the generosity of that officer!

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Forever Impacted

A Viral Post

The Facebook post went viral a day later. In the end, it gained a thousand comments, a thousand shares, and over 10,000 reactions on the social media platform. Users wanted to hear more about this story!

A Viral Post

A Viral Post

Shattering Misconceptions

Here was what one of the commenters had to say, “What a wonderful thing to do, this story warms my heart. I’ve always respected police officers.” The post, however, was able to do more than simply break the misconceptions that surround cops.

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Shattering Misconceptions

Help Pouring In

Ever since the post made rounds on social media, people from all over the globe have tried to get in touch with Courtney. Many people contacted the Lamp Post Diner to speak to her. These strangers wanted to give her money to make her life a little easier!

Help Pouring In

Help Pouring In

A Helping Hand

Victor Sierra, the manager at the diner, shared, “They wanna know if they can help her because it’s the first child.” He also added, “It’s the gesture about somebody helping somebody else.” On the flip side, did Courtney get lucky with her quest to track down the police officer?

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A Helping Hand

Staying Anonymous

The cop in the story decided to remain anonymous. It must have been enough for him to know that he was able to help her during her time of need. Was this enough for her? Or did she want more than this?

Staying Anonymous

Staying Anonymous

Respecting His Wishes

Even so, Courtney and Brian both wanted to show him their appreciation. Of course, the fact that they did not know who he was made things more complicated. The duo wanted to respect his decision, but they also want to recognize him and his good deed.

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Respecting His Wishes

Showing Their Gratitude

In the end, they agreed to show their appreciation in the only way they knew how. Brian and Courtney dropped by the Voorhees Township Police Department and gave the entire team a few boxes of donuts.

Showing Their Gratitude

Showing Their Gratitude

Forever Grateful

It was time for the folks at the Voorhees Township Police Department to say thanks. On Twitter, they said, “Thanks to Brian Cadigan & Courtney English for bringing in treats for our staff this morning.” On top of this, the team promised Courtney and Brian to let the mystery cop know about their gratitude.

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Forever Grateful

A Baby Girl

This not the end of the story just yet! Let us find out what happened to Courtney and her baby. She was able to give birth to a healthy little girl. That is exciting enough on its own, but there is more news!

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A Baby Girl

A Beautiful Life

It looks like her ex, the dad of the baby, has come to his senses. The couple has made up, and they are now raising their kid together. What a great piece of news! We are glad that they are now a happy family.

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A Beautiful Life

Love All Around

Courtney gave birth to Kayleigh Ann on April 6. The baby weighed 7 pounds and 3 ounces. It is great to hear that this little girl will grow up knowing the love of not only her mother but also her father.

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Love All Around

She’s Thriving

You will be glad to know that Courtney is also doing a great job as a mom. She was an amazing waitress who was able to bring her dedication and hard work over to parenting. She has decided to take a break from working in the meantime, however.

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She’s Thriving

Stepping Away From The Hustle

Don’t fret, there is nothing to be worried about. Courtney just wanted to give her baby all the attention she could muster. We are sure that she is tired of the hustle too. She clearly made the right decision!

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Stepping Away From The Hustle

Worth Millions

Even though she is not working at the diner right now, we are sure that she will always treasure that encounter with the cop. It is true that $100 does not go that far, but his generosity is simply priceless.

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Worth Millions

Put A Smile On Her Face

Courtney had been going through a tough time when he left her that huge tip. It did not just make her smile, but it also made her feel less worried about the financial issues that having a baby would bring.

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Put A Smile On Her Face

Always Be Kind

It is not easy to figure out if a person is down in the dumps. Even a small act of kindness can go a long way when it comes to improving their mood. This works the other way as well. When a person is already feeling down, it does not take much to make their day even worse. Always keep this in mind, folks!

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Always Be Kind

Take Notes

You should not assume that you would not be on the receiving end of a good deed either. Courtney thought this, but it happened to her anyway. We can learn so much from this story. It is true that $100 is a lot of money for many people, but you can make someone very happy with just $5.

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Take Notes


We are sure that Courtney would have been glad if she only received $5 or $10. A lot of people out there are going through tough times and could use an extra hand. It is also good to remember that charity does not need to be in the form of money. You can offer your time and services as well.

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Warmed People’s Hearts

Courtney was featured on a bunch of news channels after she received the big tip. People were thrilled to hear a story about this random act of kindness from a police officer. It sure moved a lot of viewers!

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Warmed People’s Hearts

Good Publicity

Courtney was happy that she was able to give both the diner and the local police force some good publicity. This new mom was happy that her story was able to touch a lot of people as well.

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Good Publicity

As a Working Mom

Courtney hopes that people will see that this good deed meant a lot to her not only as a working mom but also as a waitress. Wait staff often get stiffed by clients, so this must have been a welcome change.

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As a Working Mom

More Confident

Courtney also hoped that her story will inspire more women to work even when they are pregnant. She believes that it is only natural for a mom-to-be to want to support the family. Aside from pregnant ladies, she also wants the story to serve as an inspiration for people planning to have kids in the future.

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More Confident


Courtney hopes that her daily actions will show her little girl that it is possible to be anything that she wants to be in the future. When her daughter is older, she plans to talk to Kayleigh Ann about the value of dedication, hard work, and kindness. We do not doubt that she is doing great at motherhood!

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A Friendly Atmosphere

Courtney’s fiancé was also happy to hear about the kindness that she received when she was pregnant. Aside from that, he was happy that she worked in a friendly environment with great people as well.

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A Friendly Atmosphere

The Best Idea

Courtney wants to return to the dinner soon. In the meantime, she is having a great time spending time with her beautiful family and looking after her little angel. She also found out for herself that she made the right choice by saving up before giving birth.

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The Best Idea

Just Like Mom And Dad

Little Kayleigh Ann is fortunate that she has two hard-working and inspiring parents. We are sure that she will become just like them in the future. After all, it is not a secret that children who witness their parents working hard fare better than those who do not.

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Just Like Mom And Dad

Furry Friends

Look at how adorable this is! Kayleigh Ann and the family dog are getting along marvelously. They are both thrilled to have a photo taken. We also have to say that we are big fans of the bow and socks!

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Furry Friends

Daddy’s Girl

At night, Kayleigh likes to watch movies with her dad after drinking her milk. The pair looks very cozy in the photo, don’t they? If they get along this well so early on, she will definitely become a daddy’s girl.

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Daddy’s Girl

Always Together

Mind you, she also likes to spend time with her mom and play games on her smartphone. Courtney likes to look for baby videos that her kid enjoys watching. They have a lot of fun no matter what they do!

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Always Together


Kayleigh also has a great godmother. Courtney has a younger sister who gets to call the young girl her godchild. Hailey is so happy that she gets to be an important person in the life of their newest family member. We are sure that Kayleigh will grow up loved and happy!

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Nap Time

Take a leaf out of their book. When in doubt, go nap! Babies require a lot of rest, but so do the parents. It is very hard to catch some z’s during this stage. We are glad to see these two getting some rest!

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Nap Time

Kind Heart

Courtney had been in a dark place before she gave birth to her child. It was difficult to make ends meet, so she could not imagine what it would be like when the baby was here. Luckily, a stranger decided to step in and do something nice for her. It did not just brighten her day but also filled her with hope for the days to come!

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Kind Heart

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