Awesome - Police Officer's Life Was Changed Forever After Rescuing One Little Girl


Arizona policeman Officer Brian Zach was called to the line of duty on one fateful evening in March 2018. Tasked with assisting a toddler in dire need of protection, he had no clue as to the impact that this little girl would have on his life from the moment their eyes first met.

Duty Calls

One spring evening, Officer Brian Zach was working the night shift at the Kingman police department when suddenly a call came in. He was told to check on the house where it was believed that a toddler was being neglected. As he arrived on the scene, he investigated the caller's concerns.

The Scene Of The Crime

After arriving at the house, Officer Zach stumbled upon the toddler, a two-year-old girl named Kaila. Officer Zach recalled how Kaila had injuries that indicated that she had been a victim of abuse. What's more, this was the third time that Kaila's household had been reported to the authorities. Surely, this child couldn't be left in such a hostile environment any longer?

Taking Action

Refusing to allow this young girl to remain in an abusive home, Officer Zach decided to take her back to the police station, where the pair waited for the Department of Child Safety (DCS) to arrive. Over the next five hours, Officer Zach and Kaila bonded.

Spending Quality Time Together

While Kaila didn't talk very much, Officer Zach noticed that she somehow had a knack for working an iPad. The duo spent the next few hours eating snacks, coloring, and watching Wreck-It Ralph on the tablet. Officer Zach already couldn't stop thinking about what would happen to this young girl.

A Bond Was Formed

Despite having just met, the bond between Officer Zach and Kaila was undeniable. “She held my hand, and she was just this cute little thing," Zach recalled. Soon enough, the DCS arrived at the station.

The DCS's Response

As soon as the DCS detectives arrived, they transported Kaila to the hospital so that her wounds could be attended to. While she was confirmed to be healthy, there was one question that remained — where would Kaila go now that the only home that she had ever known was deemed unsafe?

A Displaced Minor

No matter how hard they tried, the child protective services were unable to locate any family members who could shelter Kalia. Upon calling the DCS to check up on Kaila, Officer Zach was distraught to learn that the girl was spending the night alone in her hospital bed. From that moment on, Officer Zach couldn't get Kaila out of his mind.

A Lasting Impression

As he returned home, Officer Zach told his wife Cierra about the adorable little girl that he encountered that night. As a father of two, Officer Zach was incredibly concerned for Kaila's well-being, even stating how he wished that Kaila could have stayed with his family that night. Something had to be done to help this vulnerable child.

A Fateful Phone Call

Miraculously, it was during Officer Zach's moment of anxiety that the DCS phoned. Unable to find a suitable foster family at such short notice, the agent on the line wanted to know if the Zach family could act as a placement family for Kaila until a suitable alternative arrangement could be made. But before he could say yes, the entire family had to be on board.

The Difficult Decision

While Officer Zach's first instinct was to take Kaila in, he had his own family to think about. In addition to his wife Cierra, he also had two children from a previous marriage — a 17-year-old daughter Reina and a 15-year-old son Trevin. Immediately, Officer Zach called a family conference.

The Family Conference

With the entire family gathered together, Officer Zach showed them a picture of Kaila. He explained exactly what the young girl had gone through as well as how the family would have to care for her should she come live with them. Even with the potential challenges in mind, the entire Zach family was ecstatic, but the patriarch started having fears of his own.

Kaila's Arrival

A few days after the Zach family agreed to house Kaila, the DCS arrived outside their home with the neglected little girl. Suddenly, Brian was overcome with nerves as he was unsure if Kaila would be comfortable in his home or if she would even recognize him. Soon enough, he opened the car door and discovered the answer to his questions.

Welcome Home

While unsure whether it was his uniform or perhaps Kaila's memory, Officer Zach was relieved to learn that Kaila indeed remembered him. As soon as he opened the car door, the little girl reached out for him with a surprised look on her face. Instinctively, Kaila reached her arm out and held onto the policeman as he led her inside.

A Challenging Adjustment

While the Zach family was thrilled to welcome Kaila into their home, they knew that her adjustment wouldn't be easy, even if it was just short-term. Suddenly, the Zachs had to buy her a bed, potty, and high chair. After all, the only possessions that the mistreated Kaila had were a bag of ill-fitting clothes and a sippy cup. But that wasn't the only challenge.

A Slow Start

As Kaila entered the house, Officer Zach decided to put on Wreck-It Ralph, which the pair watched on the couch together. The toddler had a very limited vocabulary, with her main words being "no," "milk," and "choccy." On her second day with the family, Kaila would say another word that would leave the Zachs in utter shock.

Taken By Surprise

In the most unexpected of circumstances, she instinctively called Cierra "mom." When asking family friends who also foster children what to do about this new development, they said it's best to go with it so as to avoid rejection. And that's exactly what they did.

Upgraded To "Dad" Status

While Kaila called Cierra "mom," her name for Officer Zach was most peculiar — she called him "guy." Once she started attending preschool and watching other children get fetched by their fathers, she would excitedly point out Brian to her classmates and proclaim, "That's my dad!"

Overcoming Trauma

While Kaila fit in with the Zachs almost immediately, she was still dealing with some challenges that no small child should have to face. She would often wake up in the middle of the night because of nightmares and would have to be consoled for hours before returning to sleep. But even with her difficulties, the Zach family knew that Kaila would be sticking around a little longer.

In It For The Long Haul

Without any hesitation, Officer Zach and Cierra applied for their foster license. The next few months saw Kaila become an integral member of the family, with the group going on exciting excursions such as a trip to Disneyland and a big family vacation to Hawaii. With their love for Kaila growing each day, fostering her temporarily was no longer an option.

A Part Of The Family

Thirty months after Kaila had first set foot in the Zachs' home, she was officially adopted by Officer Zach and Cierra. "The best thing to come out of 2020 is the fact that we gained an official member of our family. That was my Christmas present," Officer Zach emotionally declared.

The New Family

"I love him‚ I love him so much," Kaila answered when asked about her feelings for Officer Zach. In the future, the family hoped Kaila might get the opportunity to reconnect with some of her lost family. Of course, this would be a task for when she was older — the wound of it all was still raw for her.

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