Awesome - Animal Won’t Budge From Spot, Car Dealer Looks In Trunk
One Solution
He noticed its enormous eyes glistening back at him and the sound that its hungry stomach made.
He didn’t want it here so he tried to make it leave, but it was clear that the dog was not going to move for anything. With a sigh he knew he’d have to resort to one thing that would surely get red it of, he just hoped that it wouldn’t end in regret.
Common Sight

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Merson Mariano was a Hyundai Manager and didn’t see anything surprising when he walked past stray animals on the sidewalk, it was a common enough occurence.
With the animals running rampant they even got their own nickname – “Community Pets”. Some poeple gave into their adorable eyes for while others ignored their please for food.
Just Too Many

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But the reality of what was happening was a little hard to understand.
Mariano loved all animals, even the strays he walked past on the street. He just wished he could adopt the 30 million out there but it was unrealistic. He did what he could and adopted just two. But when a shaking, wet, hungry dog appeared at the front door to his dealership, what was he supposed to do?

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He knew if he gave the poor animal even a morsel, it would hang around the dealership.
As much as he felt sorry for this dog, he didn’t want any of his customers to encounter trouble. He decided that he’d ignore the begging eyes of the animal until he gave up and looked somewhere else. But something unexpected occured.
Admitting Defeat

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The cute canine didn’t budge, it was clear that they wouldn’t give up so easily.
He just sat on the steps to the dealership and wagged his tail. He’d occasionally leave to look for a morsel but soon he’d always come back. It was clear that he wanted more than just some food.
Don’t Get Comfortable

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He didn’t mind giving him a small reprieve from the harsh world before shooing him away when customers came by, he started becoming fond of the dog.
Then he remembered that he had stashed a blanket in his car, but there were customers already lining up and his shift had just started. Then the first customer of the day came in with a dog of their own. This was the start of a truly strange day, he just didn’t know it.
High Potential

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The two dogs interacting and Mariano smiled to himself. The dog followed the other man’s canine into the dealership and started smelling all of the cars. The customer then asked Mariano about the dog, so he recounted his experiences with the stray so far.
The stray dog seemed much happier being inside the dealership where it was dry. Then Mariano thought of a brilliant idea, one that would change everything.
Backing Up Words

Hyundai had always said they were a pet-friendly company.
Why not put words into action? So, he rushed to his computer, feeling a surge of excitement. The email was simple – begging the higher-ups to let the dealership adopt the dog and make it their official mascot. All he wanted was a “yes”, but he got so much more then he would ever have dream of.
The Green Light

Instagram @tucson_prime
Not only did they say it was a great idea, but they wanted the store to become the dog’s forever home.
They also sent a check to buy all the necessary products and get him checked by a vet. In addition, they would set up a camera to keep an eye on him when no one was there. But there were still two vital things missing and they couldn’t be overlooked any longer.
What’s His Name?

Instagram @tucson_prime
First, he needed a name.
It didn’t take long for the entire team to agree on “Tucson Prime” – after all, it seemed like a sign. The giddiness of the event made Mariano rush to his computer and print out Tucson his very one employee badge! One would think the story would end there, but it gets so much better!
Getting Noticed

ABC News
Through the dealerships Instagram, word of Tucson spread like wildfire.
People started sending in gifts, giggling over his video baths, and cooing when he walked customers around or went on a test drive with them. People actually started coming to the store just to see the new mascot. Soon, their dog got an amazing invitation.
Shocking Invitation

It was something even Mariano had never received – an invitation to visit the actual Hyundai plants.
The big bosses and their staff wanted a meet a greet. Their dealership went crazy! They bought various ties and bow ties, a new leash, and whatever else would leave the best impression.
Leaving An Impression

ABC News
Mariano beamed with pride as he led Tucson around the plant floor and workers raced and squealed with joy to give him belly rubs.
Their “Pawfessional Consultant” had already won over the hearts of the bosses, but the marketing team looked like excited children when the gave Mariano another unbelievable offer.
New Job Opportunity

They wanted to make Tucson part of a new set of nationwide commercials!
His scruffy boy was going to be famous! After then arrived back to the dealership, and their doggo settled into his custom doghouse and fell immediately asleep, Mariano shook his head in awe at everything that had happened.
Just Show Kindness

@tucson_prime Instagram
All it had taken was a little bit of kindness.
Their group hand banned together for the sole purpose of saving one street dog, but the ended up bringing so much joy to so many people around the world. He couldn’t wait to see what the future brought.

Mariano was so moved by the stranger’s story that he knew he had to do something. Unfortunately, even though it seemed like it was meant to be, the customer couldn’t take the stray dog because he already had three of his own.
But Mariano knew now that fate had brought this dog to the dealership for a reason. Suddenly, a wonderful, perfect light bulb went off in Mariano’s head.
Backing Up Words

@tucson_prime Instagram
Hyundai had always said they were a pet-friendly company.
Why not put words into action? So, he rushed to his computer, feeling a surge of excitement. The email was simple – begging the higher-ups to let the dealership adopt the dog and make it their official mascot. All he wanted was a “yes”, but he got so much more then he would ever have dream of.
The Green Light

@tucson_prime Instagram
Not only did they say it was a great idea, but they wanted the store to become the dog’s forever home.
They also sent a check to buy all the necessary products and get him checked by a vet. In addition, they would set up a camera to keep an eye on him when no one was there. But there were still two vital things missing and they couldn’t be overlooked any longer.
What’s His Name?

First, he needed a name.
It didn’t take long for the entire team to agree on “Tucson Prime” – after all, it seemed like a sign. The giddiness of the event made Mariano rush to his computer and print out Tucson his very one employee badge! One would think the story would end there, but it gets so much better!
Getting Noticed

@tucson_prime Instagram
Through the dealerships Instagram, word of Tucson spread like wildfire.
People started sending in gifts, giggling over his video baths, and cooing when he walked customers around or went on a test drive with them. People actually started coming to the store just to see the new mascot. Soon, their dog got an amazing invitation.
Shocking Invitation

@tucson_prime Instagram
It was something even Mariano had never received – an invitation to visit the actual Hyundai plants.
The big bosses and their staff wanted a meet a greet. Their dealership went crazy! They bought various ties and bow ties, a new leash, and whatever else would leave the best impression.
Leaving An Impression

@hyundaibr Instagram
Mariano beamed with pride as he led Tucson around the plant floor and workers raced and squealed with joy to give him belly rubs.
Their “Pawfessional Consultant” had already won over the hearts of the bosses, but the marketing team looked like excited children when the gave Mariano another unbelievable offer.
New Job Opportunity

@tucson_prime Instagram
They wanted to make Tucson part of a new set of nationwide commercials!
His scruffy boy was going to be famous! After then arrived back to the dealership, and their doggo settled into his custom doghouse and fell immediately asleep, Mariano shook his head in awe at everything that had happened.
Just Show Kindness

@tucson_prime Instagram
All it had taken was a little bit of kindness.
Their group hand banned together for the sole purpose of saving one street dog, but the ended up bringing so much joy to so many people around the world. He couldn’t wait to see what the future brought.
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