Awesome - Family takes a photo with newborn seconds later this happens
Family takes a photo with newborn. Seconds later, it happens. An incredibly cute moment was shared on camera when a big sister cried after meeting her newborn sibling for the first time. Love is the most important thing you can do for your younger brothers. Have fun with them.
Play games, basketball, football, soccer, or whatever you guys like to play. Importantly, have fun. You can have fun and teach them the way to live. Talk to them when you’re sitting and resting with a cold drink. Tell them about life and how they can and will be successful.

Motivation and encouragement is so very important that’s one thing I never got from my family. Take them for a small ice cream cone. Just the fact of being around them can be enough. Not doing anything except reading a book in the room or watching TV in the room with them will mean so much. You’re not actively touching, talking, or wrestling.
You’re just quietly there. It’s the special times with you that they’ll remember, plan and make special memories with them. And if you can take pictures you’ll want to remember, one day you’ve got a friend next door. Even if you say you don’t like each other, you can’t get rid of your siblings like other friends. You have a role model to want to be like.
Either be like your big brother or sister. And if you’re the big brother or sister, the younger ones will look up to you. You’ve got a protector. Your big brother or sister would be your personal bodyguard from the time when you were a baby. Even if when you were old enough, you will still have someone who’s got your back.
You have someone who understands you better than your friends and picks on you in an adorable way. Or you pick on them for fun, which all are healthy. Part of growing up being a big brother is tough. I mean, people don’t really tell you how hard it is going to be, do they? It’s unrelenting.
Mom and dad have absolutely phoned it in, to be honest. They’re all can you get me a nappy, please? And can you pass the wipes and what’s in the baby’s mouth? Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. I mean, FFS.
Don’t worry, guys, you just keep scrolling Insta while I take care of the baby. So while I’ve been raising this child, I’ve taken some notes on how you too can be a phenomenal big brother or sister. Kiss the baby. From the second she was given to me, people have been harassing me to kiss the baby. Apparently, babies will die if you don’t kiss them at least 43 times an hour.
I find it helps to be quite aggressive with the kissing to make sure everyone notices how affectionate and welcoming you’re being. Don’t be afraid to take a run up. It also helps to wrap an arm around their neck. Everyone loves that it’ll come running when you do it. The Maltby family has a YouTube channel named The Maltby Bunch and there they share their family videos.
They upload videos to entertain their 46,600 subscribers and also to those who stumble upon their videos. This video in particular though, is their biggest hit with over 9.5 million views. The video was taken when Samantha Malti gave birth to the youngest member of their beautiful family. Also in the video is their eldest son, Braden, and that day he’s about to meet his new little sister. Flowers and a balloon.
Why not? This young boy knows how to prepare for a special event. The big brother of the Maltby family is in the waiting room and soon dad calls him. Together they walk toward the room where mom and their newborn are waiting. Dad asks him, do you want to go and meet your new sister?
Braden immediately responds, yeah, I can’t wait. He is one sweet little boy. As they get closer to the room, the sound of a crying baby suddenly echoes nearby. Dad tells him that it is his baby’s sister. Then they enter the room where the little angel is waiting.
Braden is all smiles as he marches forward. It also shows that he’s a bit nervous. Just seconds after laying eyes on his newborn sister, Braden starts to tear up. We can tell that it’s love at first sight. After hearing his voice, the newborn baby suddenly stops from crying.
It looks like she knows that her big brother is just inches away from her on the pink corner, weighing £8. Please welcome baby Harper Rose Maltby. Soon mom starts crying too as she witnesses the beautiful picture of her children, especially her eldest, showing nothing but immediate love for Harper Rose. And of course, dad joins in the emotional moment of their family. The Maltby family then fills room 24, five of the Sutter Delta Medical Center with sobs.

It’s such a beautiful moment and we’re glad that the camera was on to capture it all. Braden gives his little sister her first kisses. With Mom’s permission, their eldest child gets the chance to give Harper Rose kisses on her forehead. Samantha is just so overwhelmed with the precious moment. She also gives Braden a kiss on the forehead.
Like she’s saying, I’m so proud of you, son. I love you. Having a newborn baby brings so much joy to a family. Admit it, they’re magically turned everything into something beautiful. Newborn babies have this special effect on people.
They attract so much positivity and good vibes. Having a baby around brings wide smiles and happy hearts to anyone. I bet that you’re smiling right now as you think about the moment when you also had a newborn at home. Am I right? A kind big brother.
That’s who Braden is. He’s just six years old when the video was taken. He’s now nine and Harper is two. In fact, there’s also Audrey, the middle child among the siblings. I’m pretty sure that Braden will grow up tagging along with his sisters like a bodyguard.
Soon, protecting them is going to be his responsibility, and we already know that he’s going to do good at it. The Maltby family simply shows the beauty of having a family that’s filled with love and affection. You may visit their YouTube channel to see more of their videos.
Having garnered more than 16 million views on YouTube, we can all agree that the love of the unbreakable bond between siblings is one that develops very early in all of our lives and stays until the very end. To be a brother, regardless if it’s a big brother or younger brother, you must have a desire to help them.
Teach them the right way to live and most of all, love them. Keep them awake. Remain alert. Babies struggle to stay awake, and it’s your job to make sure they never drift off. Use any means necessary to keep their eyes open.
Bang, all the things squeal in a repetitive, high pitched dedication to the sun. Open and closed doors with all the passion and fervor you can muster. If all else fails, scream directly in their face to wake up. Babies may cry, but this is just a weakness leaving their body. They’ll develop a tolerance for life soon enough.
Babies are so dumb they don’t even know their own names. You should shout it in their face as frequently as possible to teach them. Don’t worry if they’re asleep. That’s called subliminal messaging and it’s a legit thing. Scream anyway.
Another funny thing to yell in their face is there can only be one. You’ll be rewarded with so much attention. But the real silver lining is the look of fear in your baby’s sister’s eyes. Adults don’t want the baby to like you, so there’ll be lots of warnings to leave the baby alone. Ignore this and do the one thing we all know will make you the most popular one in the family.
Feed them. No one ever gives these babies food, which is probably why they scream all the time. Like, how could you even live without cookies? I know I’d scream until I pooped myself too, so give them cookies. Also, grapes and chocolate popcorn is great too.
Don’t ask, just pop it straight in their mouth. Best Friends Forever One day soon, your baby will stop being a potato and start being more like a person, and that bright light of scrutiny will be divided into two. All of a sudden, you’re in a position to be the favorite. All you need to do is make the new baby worse than you. This is where intensive training in screaming, breaking, throwing and hitting comes in handy.
Show them how to really slow down and you’re set for life. But realistically, that’s not always the case. Sibling love is not a constant feeling. It ebbs and flows. A sibling may annoy you extremely that at that point you do not feel like anything but extreme irritation and annoyance with them.
It might be underlaid with love somewhere in the deepest recesses of your heart, but the emotion that’s foremost at that point is annoyance. Such negative emotions may pass quickly or remain for a long time. The fact that they’re at the forefront of our emotional burner will be obvious to us. Meanwhile, the love we used to feel for our sibling will at this point feel distant and minuscule. It doesn’t mean that we don’t love them anymore.

It’s just that for the moment, Our feelings of anger or irritation has overcome our love for them temporarily. Nature has probably endowed everyone with a sense of love Mixed with moderate doses of animosity and hatred towards siblings.
As the saying goes, familiarity breeds contempt and who are more familiar and on a collision course than the siblings on a day to day basis, even on trivial issues. Isn’t it interesting to note that animosity among brothers is more pronounced than between brother and sisters? The rivalry is often triggered by a desire to protect the respective turfs in terms of attention from the parents.
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