Awesome - Angry Mom Bans Boy From Playgroup For His T-Shirt, But His Mom Has the Last Laugh
When a Canadian mom and another woman in their children’s playgroup got into an argument over a tee-shirt, tensions ran high. The group was then forced to take sides over an argument about a simple pun, but the Canadian mom come out on top when she let the other mother know who’s boss.
Like Any Other Day

After an uneventful day accompanying her son to his playgroup, Canadian mother Chelsea got a text message from another mother at the group, who she cheekily referred to only as “Karen.” What Karen wrote confused her, simply reading, “The other day at playgroup, I was a bit… Unimpressed with what your son was wearing.”
Unimpressed With What He Was Wearing

This comment really confused Chelsea, who had to think for a moment about which shirt she had dressed her two-year-old son in that day. What message on a toddler’s shirt could have been so disrespectful to prompt Karen to say, “It was just demeaning to boys don’t you think?”
What Did She Mean?

Chelsea replied back honestly saying, “I literally have no idea what you’re on about.” She couldn’t understand why Karen only had this bone to pick with her after they had left the playgroup. What about the message of this t-shirt was so serious that she could only bring it up a few hours later?
Her Two-Year-Old Daughter Was Offended by His Shirt

Karen continued the conversation writing, “Well I found it incredibly rude and so did my daughter.” This is odd, not only because Karen hadn’t said anything at the play date, but because Karen’s two-year-old daughter couldn’t even read yet!
“He Can’t Wear That Again!”

Karen continued her tirade saying, “That isn’t the point! He can’t wear that shirt to group again! I’m sure the other moms will have an issue with this too! I know for a fact that Susan said she didn’t like it either." But Chelsea knew for a fact that wasn't true...
The Other Moms Were On Her Side

It was strange of Karen to tell Chelsea that Susan disapproved of the shirt as well, because Chelsea knew that wasn't true. So, she replied, letting Karen know what actually happened, with, “Yeah ok, that’s why she asked where I bought it so she could buy one for her son?"
No More Playdates For Our Kids

But, Karen didn't have an adequate retort to that message, and instead decided to double down on her previous message. Her next text read, "You can’t let him wear it to group again! Or we won’t be setting up playdates for my daughter and him anymore!" At this point, Chelsea was simply dumbfounded.
The Other Moms Voiced Their Opinions

Chelsea then tried getting in contact with the other mothers from the playgroup to see if any of them had a problem with the shirt. Most of them agreed that the message was fine except for one woman, referred to as Bethany, who took Karen's side. But, what exactly was the message making Karen so angry?
The Shirt in Question

The shirt that was being debated over was a simple t-shirt with text that read, "Players gonna play." To an adult, this might have some meaning reminiscent of ill deeds and misbehavior, but with the context of a toddler wearing it, it doesn't seem to have any meaning other than 'pass the building blocks!' But Karen wasn't about to let this issue go without a fight.
He Didn’t Know Why He Couldn’t See His Friends

And, this situation soon started to take a toll on Chelsea's son, who could only understand that suddenly he wasn't allowed to visit his friends at playgroup anymore. But, Chelsea knew that this little ban wouldn't last long, so she decided to call some of her friends for backup.
She Called For Backup

Chelsea immediately contacted other mothers who had children in the playgroup to ask for their advice. Most of them agreed that her son was still allowed in group, but the bad blood between her and Karen wasn't. But, thankfully, Karen had done plenty to alienate herself from the other women in the group, so it seemed like she would be the one to go...
Her Son Was Oblivious to the Shirt's Meaning

The biggest issue was that the shirt held no meaning to Chelsea's son or Karen's daughter. The issue had nothing to do with either child and the needs of the kids should have been Karen's first priority, not her own personal preferences. This event helped established a long history of Karen not thinking about the needs of the kids in the playgroup...
He Was a Player... of Video Games

Chelsea's son loved building, playing with Legos and enjoying the occasional video game, so he truly was a player in all senses! The argument over the shirt didn't hurt Chelsea's feelings much. What irked her was that Karen tried to make parenting choices for her, against her will.
"My Son Will Wear Whatever I Want Him To"

Chelsea decided to share her feelings with Karen, openly and honestly. Their issues were bigger than just a t-shirt, and Karen knew that. But, she may not have expected Chelsea to remember all of the reasons why Karen proved herself as a bad mother to her, so she decided to remind her...
Inhospitable Hosts

Chelsea started her message to Karen writing, "Honestly I couldn’t care less that my son can't play with your daughter. You’re very inhospitable hosts anyway, you’re too stingy." Once the floodgates were open, Chelsea couldn't help herself, she had to let Karen know that she disagreed with her parenting choices too...
Her Parenting Came Into Question

Chelsea thought back to all of the times that Karen was a bad host to her and her son, which included instances where they weren't allowed to eat any of the food in Karen's home and times when Karen's daughter was deliberately rude to Chelsea's son without punishment. So, she let her voice be heard...
No Snacks Allowed

Chelsea continued her message writing, "You’re too stingy to even let my son drink some of your homogenized milk when we come over, you rarely let him or I snack and you hate to pay for things when we meet up outside." And Chelsea's son hadn't forgotten these things, either.
He Felt Sorry For His Friend

Chelsea's son was only two years old, but he knew that he didn't have fun while playing with Karen's daughter. Chelsea thought back to the many times when the kids were impolite to each other and Karen didn't do or say anything to let her child know that it was wrong to do that. So, Chelsea reminded Karen yet again that she was the one in the wrong.
She Didn't Have Good Social Skills

Chelsea told Karen, "And you’ve let your daughter pinch him before too because he wouldn’t share, but you never cared if she didn’t. I don’t think this is a healthy relationship for him or for me." Setting a good example for your children is paramount and Karen didn't seem to understand that. But, her reply would speak volumes.
The Last Laugh

Chelsea finished her message by saying, "And just for the record, my son will wear whatever I want him to. Don’t come to group if you’re so offended." Once her message was sent, Chelsea felt like her conscious was finally clear, but Karen was just beginning to get angry...
Her Tirade Was Over

Even though Karen tried to get the other mothers from the playgroup on her side, things backfired. When they reached out to Chelsea to get her side of the story, Chelsea simply sent screenshots of their conversations to each woman, who all laughed and agreed that Karen was being pathetic about the t-shirt!
She Was Jealous of Their Bond

Some other mothers from the playgroup suspected that Karen held some jealous towards the other mothers in the group because their husbands worked fewer hours than hers. They thought that because she was jealous of the free time that the other mothers had, she took out her anger on them.
She Took Her Frustrations Out on Other Moms

Karen spent most days at home with her daughter while her husband worked twelve hour shifts, so some of the other mothers justified her lashing out to Chelsea. But, Chelsea disagreed because she thought that no matter what someone else was going through, they didn't have to take out their issues on someone else.
That Was The Last They Saw of Her

After the feud, Karen stopped bringing her daughter to the play group and cut off ties with Chelsea and most of the other mothers. She could have at least shown her face to try to make things right or own up to her mistake. This lack of action showed her true colors more than anything else she had done.
Play Group Was Safe Once Again

Thankfully, Karen's absence meant that Chelsea had one less stressor in her life. She hasn't heard anything from Karen since their harsh text conversation, but she stands by each and every word she said.
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