Awesome - Mom Sneaks Into Daughter’s Dorm And Instantly Regrets It


An Awkward Situation

Have you ever embarrassed yourself? Oh, what a silly question, everyone has at some point in their life, right? From gossiping about someone and realizing they’re totally in earshot, to accidentally liking your crush’s photo on Instagram.

However, if we talk about a situation where you mortified yourself and somebody else at the same time, look no further because this mom from New York is an epitome of embarrassment. She tried to surprise her daughter but ended up all over the internet.

A Pleasant Surprise, Right?

Deanna Pilling had an idea which she thought would be great: she wanted to surprise her daughter McKenna at university. She hasn't told her though, otherwise it wouldn't have been a surprise, right?

A Healthy Family Relationship

Deanna and her daughter have always had a great relationship. She saw her kid through elementary and high school life, but now she was taken by surprise when she found out what her daughter was planning to do with her life.

University Life

Facebook/McKenna Pilling

McKenna was an amazing student, she excelled throughout her elementary and high school years. However, there was a decision to be made. Being such a wonderful student with high ambitions she wanted to continue her educational journey.

Deanna had no problem with that as she is a supportive mom. Her world collapsed though when she realized just how far her daughter was planning to move.

The Decision

Considering the fact that they live in Manhattan, NY, it felt like the whole world collapsed in front of Deanna when she found out that her daughter wants to study at Utah State University. Her emotional and surprising reaction almost moved McKenna to tears…

Supportive Mom

McKenna had made her decision, but she was scared and insecure about letting her mom know. She didn’t know how Deanna would react. University life is great, but separating with your mom on such a long distance for the first time must be difficult, right?

However, Deanna almost made her daughter cry from joy when she admitted that her decision somehow shocked her and made her sad but nevertheless, she will always support her daughter no matter what. Deanna tried to be brave and put a “happy mask on” but deep down…

It Is What It Is

Facebook/McKenna Pilling

However, Deanna eventually came to terms with her daughter’s decision. She knew that it was time for McKenna to flee the nest, and she decided to fully support her. Besides that, she was planning to visit often...

A Big Plan!

Chatting for many months on social media was not enough, after all... it was the first time they had to live their lives separately. Even though Deanna adapted to her new life without her daughter, she couldn’t wait no longer, so she came up with a plan!

Waiting Time Is Over

McKenna was already scheduled to head back home to New York in a few days to spend time with her mom and family for summer vacation. Anyways, Deanna decided to proceed with her ill-fated plan. She wanted to surprise her daughter at her college. This idea seemed perfect, but Deanna had no idea how terribly wrong this would turn out to be.

Book A Flight

This loving and caring mom thought that showing up a few days before McKenna was about to come back home would be a wonderful surprise, so she didn’t tell her daughter anything about this plan.

Deanna booked a last-minute flight from New York City to Utah, and even then, she couldn’t foresee what a dramatic turn of events would occur.

On Her Way

While Deanna was waiting to board her flight, she tried to call her daughter and ask her about her plans for the night. Fortunately, or unfortunately (you decide at the end of this article) McKenna didn’t pick up the phone. When Deanna finally boarded on the plane, she was hoping that her daughter would be there when she arrived. Nevertheless, it was already too late to change her mind.

The Phone Rang

After a five-hour trip, Deanna finally arrived in Logan, Utah. She got into a taxi and headed directly to the Utah State University. While she was driving in the cab, the phone began to ring.

She Is Almost There

Deanna immediately started to panic as soon as she saw that McKenna was calling her back. The last thing that she wanted to do was to ruin her surprise, so she didn’t answer the call. She knew that her daughter might be suspicious that something was up if she heard her voice. Deanna declined the call immediately and prepared to get off, she was almost there.

At The University

The last time Deanna visited the camp was nine months ago when she had helped McKenna move in. She felt lost and disoriented when she saw the big building for the second time. Now the question was, would she be able to remember where McKenna’s dorm was?

Which Way To Go?

It was the end of the semester, so the campus was busy and crowded. Students were moving out for summer with the help of their families. Deanna was keeping her head down so that no one would recognize her. After a prolonged time of roaming around the university, she felt anxious. The university was much bigger than she remembered.

At The Right Place

After she had wandered around for a long time, she finally found her daughter’s building. While she was walking down the hallway, she spotted some of McKenna’s friends whom she recognized from Facebook. She immediately felt relieved, now she knew with a high level of certainty that she was at the right place.

Knock Knock!

After she took the elevator up to the next floor, she was getting nervous and anxious. It had been so long since she saw her daughter, nine months exactly, the longest time they have ever spent apart. Her adrenalin was raising as she was approaching McKenna’s dorm room. She couldn’t wait to see her daughter's surprised face. Deanna paused for a few seconds, took a deep breath and gently knocked on the door.

Anybody Home?

She didn’t hear any footsteps approaching the door after the first knock. Deanna knocked again. Nothing. After a few short minutes of just standing there, she realized that nobody was there. But she wasn't planning to just stand there...

The Moment Of Truth

Deanna grabbed the door handle and was both surprised and confused to see that the door wasn’t locked. She felt something was not right, but anyways she pushed the handle down and swung the door open. Deanna had no idea what was about to happen next.

Empty Room


As soon as Deanna opened the door, she saw some girls who were packing up their things. She quickly greeted them with “Hello” and immediately went straight into McKenna’s room. It was a huge surprise when she found the room empty. Everything around her was spotless, no posters, no books, no clothes, just a pile of boxes, all lined up. “There's something fishy going on here”, Deanna said to herself.

Time For Action

facebook/McKenna Pilling

Feeling exhausted from the long trip, this new disappointment was too much to bear. Deanna decided to lie down on the bad, but on second thought, she thought that this could ruin the whole surprise thing. What if she was sleeping when McKenna arrived? To keep herself awake, she got an idea. Deanna decided to let her daughter know where she was, in her own fashion!

Sudden Shock

Twitter/McKenna Pilling

While still lying on the bed, she pulled out her phone and took a selfie. She hoped that McKenna would be exhilarated when she realized that her mom had flown all the way from NY just to see her!

After a few short minutes, McKenna replied, but her answer was far from what Deanna had hoped for. Her jaw dropped and it felt like the bed started absorbing her like a quicksand. She was shocked!

A Huge Turn Of Events

Twitter/McKenna Pilling

McKenna, totally confused asked: “Where that??”, Deanna thought did McKenna not recognize her own bed? but it was the following message that made Deanna’s heart drop. It read: “I’m in my dorm. Please tell me you’re not in someone else’s dorm”. Deanna felt a heat wave spreading all over her body as she suddenly realized what she had done.

Fatal Mistake

Twitter/McKenna Pilling

Deanna jumped out of the bed immediately, sprinting out of the room before someone saw her, and she ran down the hallway. Then she replied: “I am in the wrong dorm omg.” She didn’t know what to think or do, her emotions were chaotic.

Embarrassing To Say The Least

“I felt so embarrassed because I’ve already said 'hi' to several students in the dorm and they probably had no idea who I was,” Deanna explained later. Then, she said: “Oh my gosh, I didn’t even look at the name of the building, I could be in the wrong building”.

Priceless Reaction

Twitter/McKenna Pilling

Deanna later found out that McKenna’s room was just down the hall from the one that she had entered. Her daughter’s reaction to this was priceless…

Let’s Tweet It!

McKenna thought the whole mess was very funny and she immediately took to Twitter to share her mom’s embarrassing messages.

The Girl From The Wrong Room Responded

The girl whose dorm room was visited by Deanna had no idea until a few days later when she saw McKenna’s Twitter post. She also commented on the tweet and wrote: “Is that my pillow?”. But as soon as McKenna posted her tweet, people just couldn’t get enough of it, so it went viral. No one expected such an overwhelming response.

Huge Numbers

Since McKenna posted this photo last Thursday, the tweet has been liked more than 25,800 times and also retweeted 11,400 times. Despite this stunning internet success, her mom only regrets one thing after all, can you guess what that might be?

The Only Regret

Twitter/McKenna Pilling

McKenna told Buzzfeed News that every time she refreshed her feeds more and more retweets/favorites popped up and her mom was saying it all the time, “I wish I would’ve taken a better picture”.

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